Metadata for GIS layer ADPARCEL Attribute fields: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 ADPARCEL# 4 5 B - 21 ADPARCEL-ID 4 5 B - 25 ADDRESS 60 60 C - 85 STREET_NO 4 6 B - 89 STREET 50 50 C - 139 CITY_ID 5 5 C - 144 ZIPCODE 6 6 C - 150 ZIPCITY 20 20 C - 170 CODE 2 1 B - 172 PARCEL 9 9 C - 181 X_HPGN 8 18 F 0 189 Y_HPGN 8 18 F 0 197 LON 8 18 F 6 205 LAT 8 18 F 6 213 STREET_DIR 2 2 C - 215 STREET_NAM 24 24 C - 239 AD_STREET 34 34 C - 273 AD_SUFFIX 2 2 C - 275 STREET_IDX 5 5 C - 280 TILE_NAME 10 10 C - 290 SOURCE 20 20 C - Header Data: COLUMN = Beginning position for the field ITEM NAME = field name WIDTH = Internal storage width OUTPUT = Display width TYPE = Field type: F = Floating point B = Binary C = Character N .DEC = Number of decimal places Field data: AREA = Internally calculated polygonal area PERIMETER = Internally calculated polygonal perimeter ADPARCEL# = Internally-assigned feature ID ADPARCEL-ID = User-assigned feature ID ADDRESS = Full address, including all components STREET_NO = Street number STREET = Full street name, with direction and type CITY_ID = Incorporated municipality code: MAR = Marana OV = Oro Valley PC = Pima County SAH = Sahuarita STUC = South Tucson TUC = Tucson ZIPCODE = 5-digit zip code ZIPCITY = Zip code jurisdiction CODE = Address type code: 0 = Parcel or property address 1 = Sign 2 = Cable TV 3 = Qwest/phone 4 = Radio/communication 5 = Traffic control 6 = Misc/electric/well 7 = Historic address or non-standard 8 = Administrative address 9 = UofA parking PARCEL = Assessors parcel taxcode X_HPGN = X-coordinate, in our standard projection/coordinate system Y_HPGN = Y-coordinate, in our standard projection/coordinate system LON = Longitude LAT = Latitude STREET_DIR = Street direction STREET_NAM = Street name, including street type AD_STREET = Street name portion of STREET_NAM AD_SIFFIX = Street type portion of STREET_NAM STREET_IDX = Characters 1-5 of STREET_NAME TILE_NAME = PLSS designation, formatted as SOURCE = Address source: BOTH = Address was found in both GIS and DSD Permits Plus PC DSD GIS = Address was found in only GIS PC DSD PERMITS = Address was found in only DSD Permits Plus