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Buildings with address and permit activity

Layer Thumbnail Map

This metadata information is subject to our disclaimer. Metadata information presented here is maintained manually. Therefore, date-sensitive fields such as date of last update may not be up-to-date. All metadata is subject to errors inherent in a manual process.

Descriptive nameBuildings with address and permit activity
File nameadr_bldg
Spatial domainPima County
AbstractBuilding outlines are created by Pima County Addressing Staff for the purpose of tracking addresses of buildings and permits issued for buildings and units within a parcel.
This layer is limited to only those buildings that have been identified for the purpose of assigning a building to an address as they relate to possible permit activity where multiple buildings exist on a parcel. ADR_IDs are contained in the dataset for maintenance of a relationship class with address points and parcels. Parcel value in dataset is related to the location of where the building resides.
Known errors/qualificationsThis layer is not a complete listing of all buildings. It is only a limited set of buildings that have specific permit activity at the building level. There can be more than one building per parcel and these building outlines help differentiate where permits are issued on buildings and or units. Outlines are hand digitized and may contain spatial errors. The BLD_ID is intended to be unique. Buildings outlines are still being extruded and positioned.
Feature typepolygon
Feature count 9,491
Thumbnail Map adr_bldg.pdf PDF file format   (535,766 bytes, PDF created 04/18/2024 )
ProjectionNAD83 HPGN (Parameters)
Field/value metadata Field metadata
Source organizationPima County Development Services
Source contactJack Avis
Source document or file nameAddressing CAD Drawings & Permits Plus
Source date20150617
Source scale 1:1,200
Source formatGeodatabase
Date of last data update
(This date may not be current.)
Last data update byRobin Freiman
Date/time last touched - Meaning? 2024-04-17  05:06 PM - Enterprise GDB - Library input format
  2024-04-17  06:22 PM - Shapefile
  See coverage files, if any, for date.
LineageAutoCAD Drawings and Permits Plus database was used to create GDB Feature Class
On maintenance?Yes
Maintenance organizationPima County Development Services
Maintenance frequencyDaily
Maintenance descriptionStaff add or edit features of ADR_BLDG as needed when performing addressing and permit issuance. The Library Manager overnight processes exports an update to shape and GDBlib when ADR_BLDG has been edited.
Original conversion byPima County ITD GIS
Pima County ITD GIS contactJack Avis
Alternate Pima County ITD GIS contacte-mail address
On  Pima County Geospatial Data Portal? Yes

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