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Landcover Change Index-NLCD 2016 (Raster)

This metadata information is subject to our disclaimer. Metadata information presented here is maintained manually. Therefore, date-sensitive fields such as date of last update may not be up-to-date. All metadata is subject to errors inherent in a manual process.

Descriptive nameLandcover Change Index-NLCD 2016 (Raster)
File namenlcdchng
Spatial domainPima Cnty & Vicinity
AbstractNational Land Cover Database Land Cover Change Index, produced by MRLC (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics) Consortium. This dataset is part of the updated NLCD 2016 release. The NLCD 2016 Land Cover Change Index is a raster image with an accompanying look-up table that describes the land cover change represented by each index. Previous releases of NLCD land cover covered one target year, and a land cover change index was compiled of change from every class in the previous target year to every class in the current one – for example from 2006 to 2011 or from 2001 to 2006. NLCD 2016 Land Cover spans not one but seven target years: 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, and 2016. Rather than compiling six land cover change index products (one for each pair of adjacent target years), there is a single NLCD 2016 Land Cover Change Index product whose pixel values indicate land cover changes that occurred at least once between 2001 and 2016.

Full metadata are included in the nlcdchng.img.xml file located in the same path as the maintenance format file.

This product updates & supersedes the nlcd0611 layer (Landcover Change-NLCD 2006 to 2011 (Raster)), as it describes landcover change over 15 years and is based on updated classifications from all seven target years.

-- See more information.
Known errors/qualifications1. Since new 2016 versions of NLCD products for all years have now been released, the decision was made to refrain from reprojecting this dataset into the County's standard NAD83 HARN projection. Since pixels were therefore not resampled, they do now represent the exact area on the ground that the original satellite sensor collected. 2. Contrary to the metadata found through the "More Information" link above, this dataset actually uses an Albers Conical Equal Area projection of the WGS 1984 datum. 3. Some sections of the file metadata and areas on the MRLC website accessed through the "More Information" link incorrectly state that land cover products were released for 2003, rather than 2004. 4. Note that until the NLCD2001, NLCD2006, and NLCD2011 Library layers have been updated (check those layers' metadata), change pixels in this layer won't line up exactly with pixels in those layers, as those layers were reprojected to NAD83 HARN. Newer versions of the NLCD2001, NLCD2006, and NLCD2011 layers will be presented using the original coordinate system of the 2016 version of those products.
Feature typeraster
Feature count
Thumbnail Map
ProjectionWGS84 (Parameters)
Field/value metadata Field metadata
Source organizationMRLC/USGS
Source contact
Source document or file nameNLCD_Land_Cover_Change_Index_L48_20190424.zip
Source date20190614
Source scale
Source formatGrid
Date of last data update
(This date may not be current.)
Last data update byErik Glenn
Date/time last touched - Meaning?   - The Enterprise GDB date was not found.
    - The Shapefile date was not found.
  See coverage files, if any, for date.
Lineage20190614 -- Downloaded from MRLC (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics) Consortium, clipped (EG).
On maintenance?No
Maintenance organization
Maintenance description
Original conversion byErik Glenn
Pima County ITD GIS contactErik Glenn
Alternate Pima County ITD GIS contacte-mail address
On  Pima County Geospatial Data Portal? No

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