Criteria considered for delineation of sgwa: • Riparian vegetation (willow, cottonwood, sycamore, mesquite boque) • wells that had less than 50 feet dtw at any point in available records • surface flow • continuous channels Aerial photography was used to identify riparian vegetation when delineating the Rincon Creek expansion. The two newly added areas, Tanque Verde (mid) and Rincon Creek, each had wells documented as 50 feet depth to water since 1980 (see shallow_wells_1980_to_present.pdf for well locations used). The last criteria (continuous channels) is one we added this year for the sake of continuous hydrologic connection, which appears to closely match past methodology as well, although it was not specifically defined as such in the past within the notes available to us. For Tanque Verde Mid, orthophotography was used to follow the stream channel near shallow wells.