FIELD NAME FIELD DESCRIPTION --STATEFP Current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code --COUNTYFP Current county Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code --TRACTCE Current census tract code --BLKGRPCE Current block group number --GEOID Census block group identifier; a concatenation of the current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code, county FIPS code, census tract code, and block group number --GISJOIN GIS Join Match Code --NAME Current translated legal/statistical area description and the block group number --GINI Gini Index of Income Inequality (not used in calculation of Stress Index 2009-13 composite measure) --Z_GINI Standardized score for GINI variable/field (not used in calculation of Stress Index 2009-13 composite measure) --COMPOSITES Average of all 27 standardized scores listed in variables below; This composite score doesn't include Gini Index variables --RANKORDER Integer ranking of block group out of all 630 Pima County block groups, from highest composite stress index value (rank 1) to lowest (rank 630) --PMINORPOP Minor Population: Persons 17 years old or less as a percentage of the total population --Z_MINORPOP Standardized score for PMINORPOP variable/field --PELDERLY Elderly Population: Persons aged 65 years or more a percentage of the total population --Z_ELDERLY Standardized score for PELDERLY variable/field --PPRESCHOOL Pre-School Proportion: Children 4 years or less as a percentage of the total youth population aged 17 years or less --Z_PRESCH Standardized score for PPRESCHOOL variable/field --DEPENDENCY Dependency Index: Ratio of youths (17 years or less) and elderly (65 years or more) to working age persons (18 – 64 years) --Z_DEPEND Standardized score for DEPENDENCY variable/field --FERTILITY Fertility Index: Number of children less than 5 years of age per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 years of age --Z_FERTILIT Standardized score for FERTILITY variable/field --PLINGISOLA Linguistic Isolation: Households in which all persons 14 years of age and over have at least some difficulty speaking English as a percentage of all households --Z_LINGISO Standardized score for PLINGISOLA variable/field --PDISABLED Disability: Civilian persons 18 years and over with a disability as a percentage of total civilian population 18 years and over --Z_DISABLED Standardized score for PDISABLED variable/field --PBELOWPOVE Poverty Status - Persons: Persons below the poverty level as a percentage of all persons for whom poverty status is ascertained --Z_POV Standardized score for PBELOWPOVE variable/field --PPOVFAMILI Poverty Status - Families: The number of families below the poverty level as a percentage of all families for whom poverty status is ascertained --Z_POVFAM Standardized score for PPOVFAMILI variable/field --PPOVELDERL Poverty Status - Elderly Persons: Persons 65 years or over who are below the poverty level as a percentage of all persons 65 years or over --Z_POVELDER Standardized score for PPOVELDERL variable/field --PLESSTHANH Educational Attainment: Persons aged 25 years and over who have completed less than 4 years of high school as a percentage of all persons 25 years and over --Z_LESSHS Standardized score for PLESSTHANH variable/field --PUNEMPLOYE Unemployment Rate: Unemployed persons 16 years and over who are in the civilian labor force as a percentage of all persons 16 years and over in the labor force --Z_UNEMPLY Standardized score for PUNEMPLOYE variable/field --PNOTWORKIN Not Working in Past 12 Months: Persons 16 years and over with no employment in past 12 months as a percentage of all persons 16 years and over --Z_NOTWRK Standardized score for PNOTWORKIN variable/field --PWORKINGMO Working Mothers: Females aged 20 to 64 in households who are in the labor force and have children under 6 years of age as a percentage of all females aged 20 to 64 in households who have children under 6 years of age --Z_WRKMOM Standardized score for PWORKINGMO variable/field --PFRMHHW_KI Female Householder: Families who have a female householder with related children under 18 with no husband present as a percentage of all families with related children under 18 years of age --Z_FEMHHKID Standardized score for PFRMHHW_KI variable/field --PUNSTABLE Neighborhood Instability: Persons one year old and older who lived in a different house a year ago as a percentage of all persons one year old and older --Z_UNSTABLE Standardized score for PUNSTABLE variable/field --CROWDING Crowding: Housing units which have more than 1.01 persons per room as a percentage of all occupied housing units --Z_CROWD Standardized score for CROWDING variable/field --SANI_CROWD Sanitation/Crowding: Housing units that lack plumbing for exclusive use and which have more than 1.01 persons per room as a percentage of all occupied housing units --Z_SANICROW Standardized score for SANI_CROWD variable/field --PLUMBING Plumbing: Housing units that lack plumbing for exclusive use as a percentage of all housing units --Z_PLUMB Standardized score for PLUMBING variable/field --HOUS_AGE Housing Age: Housing units built before 1940 as a percentage of all housing units --Z_HOUSAGE Standardized score for HOUS_AGE variable/field --KITCHEN Kitchen Facilities: Housing units which lack complete kitchen facilities as a percentage of all housing units --Z_KITCHEN Standardized score for KITCHEN variable/field --FUEL Heating Fuel: Occupied housing units lacking adequate heating fuels, i.e., that use fuel oil or kerosene, wood, coal, or no fuel at all, as a percentage of all occupied housing units --Z_FUEL Standardized score for FUEL variable/field --VACANCY Vacancy Rate: Vacant housing units as a percentage of all housing units --Z_VAC Standardized score for VACANCY variable/field --OWNER_COST Owner Costs: Owner-occupied housing units with incomes less than $20,000 and with owner costs exceeding 29.9% (30.0% or more) of their income as a percentage of specified owner-occupied housing units --Z_OWNCOST Standardized score for OWNER_COST variable/field --RENT_COST Renter Costs: Renter-occupied housing units with incomes less than $20,000 and with gross rent exceeding 34.9% (35.0% or more) of their income as a percentage of specified renter-occupied housing units --Z_RENTCOST Standardized score for RENT_COST variable/field --COMMUNIC Communications: Occupied housing units with no telephone and with a householder aged 65 years or over as a percentage of all occupied units --Z_COMM Standardized score for COMMUNIC variable/field --ACCESS Access: Occupied housing units with no vehicle available as a percentage of all occupied units --Z_ACCESS Standardized score for ACCESS variable/field --DESCRIP Classification of block group stress level based on composite stress index value. Categories are assigned as follows: composite scores greater than +1.2 are categorized as "Highest Stress"; greater than +0.8 but less than +1.2 as "High Stress"; greater than +0.4 but less than +0.8 as "Medium-High Stress"; greater than 0 but less than +0.4 as "Medium Stress"; less than 0 but greater than -0.4 as "Medium-Low Stress"; less than -0.4 but greater than -0.8 as "Low Stress"; and less than -0.8 as "Lowest Stress"