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GIS Library Contents - Metadata

Adopt-A-Roadway Program

Layer Thumbnail Map

This metadata information is subject to our disclaimer. Metadata information presented here is maintained manually. Therefore, date-sensitive fields such as date of last update may not be up-to-date. All metadata is subject to errors inherent in a manual process.

Descriptive nameAdopt-A-Roadway Program
File nameadopt_rd
Spatial domainPima County
AbstractCapture the linework for the ADOPT-A-Roadway Road permit location as entered into Accella and OnBase in ArcGIS that are adopted, sponsored and available for adoption or sponsorship.
These are two-year commitments and requires a permit twice a year for roadside cleanup.
Known errors/qualifications
Feature typeline
Feature count 252
Thumbnail Map adopt_rd.pdf PDF file format   (398,436 bytes, PDF created 07/16/2024 )
ProjectionNAD83 HPGN (Parameters)
Field/value metadata Field metadata
Source organizationPC DOT Community Relations
Source contactLarelle S Muratti
Source document or file nameAdopt-A-Roadway Database
Source date200805
Source scale
Source formatDatabase
Date of last data update
(This date may not be current.)
Last data update byWilliam Baggs
Date/time last touched - Meaning? 2024-07-15  05:06 PM - Enterprise GDB - Library input format
  2024-07-15  05:58 PM - Shapefile
  See coverage files, if any, for date.
On maintenance?Yes
Maintenance organizationPC ITD GIS
Maintenance frequencyVaries
Maintenance descriptionThis layer has been moved to GDBMAINT enterprise geodatabase for maintenance and changed to GDB Std libinput - July 2021.
Original conversion byPC DOT GIS Division - PC IT/GIS
Alternate Pima County ITD GIS contacte-mail address
On  Pima County Geospatial Data Portal? No

See Metadata Field Descriptions.
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