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GIS Library Contents

1443 Data Layers Sorted by Descriptive Name

Name Descriptive Name ITD GIS Contact  Last Updated 
azqquads   "Quarter Quad" Boundaries for Arizona   ML 20070912  DOC FIELDS
wash100k   100k Wash Network   FM 20000324  DOC FIELDS
inaer41b   1941 Aerial Photo Index   JD 20130219  DOC FIELDS
stpc1yr   1-Year Road Repair and Preservation Plan – Pima County DOT   RB 20180614  DOC FIELDS
azurban   2000 Census Urbanized Areas   JR 20060502  DOC FIELDS
cn_ajo03   2003 Ajo Contours   KM 20100308  DOC FIELDS
bd04q1pt   2004 Bonds - Question 1 Open Space   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q1pa   2004 Bonds - Question 1 Open Space - Habitat Protection Priorities   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q2pt   2004 Bonds - Question 2 - Public Health and Community Facilities   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q3pt   2004 Bonds - Question 3 - Public Safety and Justice Facilities   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q4pt   2004 Bonds - Question 4 - Parks, Recreational, Historic and Cultural   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q4ln   2004 Bonds - Question 4 - Parks, Recreational, Historic and Cultural (line)   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q5pt   2004 Bonds - Question 5 - River Parks and Flood Control Improvements   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q5ln   2004 Bonds - Question 5 - River Parks and Flood Control Improvements (line)   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q6pt   2004 Bonds - Question 6 - Sewer System Revenue Bonds   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
bd04q6ln   2004 Bonds - Question 6 - Sewer System Revenue Bonds (line)   CP 20040412  DOC FIELDS
open2004   2004 Community Open Space   MP 20040527  DOC FIELDS
fp_xse06   2006 Survey River Channel Cross-Sections   SW 20070125  DOC FIELDS
hcr2039   2007 State Trust Lands Reform Proposal   CJ 20070320  DOC FIELDS
open2010   2010 Draft Community Open Space   MP 20080916  DOC FIELDS
actv_mdl   2010 Tucson Active Management Area Groundwater Model Domain   EG 20170525  DOC FIELDS
pchmgs13   2013 Proposed Critical Habitat for Northern Mexican Gartersnake   ML 20140930  DOC FIELDS
lulc18   2018 Land-Use-Land-Cover Image   KM 20180301  DOC FIELDS
pchmgs20   2020 Proposed Critical Habitat for Northern Mexican Gartersnake   ML 20200514  DOC FIELDS
dchmgs21   2021 Designated Critical Habitat for Northern Mexican Gartersnake   ML 20210511  DOC FIELDS
fi_9993   9993 Work Tracking Layer   KM 20091217  DOC FIELDS
m_towhee   Abert's towhee Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_towhee   Abert's towhee Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
m_accact   Acuna cactus Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_accact   Acuna cactus Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
fp_afmi   Additional Floodplain Management Information   KM 20131107  DOC FIELDS
addr_pts   Address Points - 100-block with Address Ranges   SW 20161229  DOC FIELDS
addrquad   Address System Quadrants   SW 20140319  DOC FIELDS
exbldg   Addressing Building Plan Sites   LC 20150422  DOC FIELDS
adeqflow   ADEQ Flow Regimes   ML 20200618  DOC FIELDS
fp_t110   Admin 202 Flood Response Manual Locations   KM 20071217  DOC FIELDS
adopt_rd   Adopt-A-Roadway Program   JL 20220802  DOC FIELDS
ama_ina   ADWR Active Management & Irrigation Non-expansion Areas   JR 20060425  DOC FIELDS
ina_irri   ADWR Irrigation Non-expansion Areas irrigated fields   JR 20060425  DOC FIELDS
azsurfwa   ADWR Surface Water Rights - Arizona   JR 20070228  DOC FIELDS
wrsurfrt   ADWR Surface Water Rights - In Pima County   ML 20151117  DOC FIELDS
wells   ADWR Wells - Pima County Coverage   ML 20150315  DOC FIELDS
wells_az   ADWR Wells - Statewide Coverage   ML 20150315  DOC FIELDS
latlongr   Aeronautical Latitude/Longitude Grid   MP 20090724  DOC FIELDS
fp_agfd   Agricultural Flow Diversions   KRM 20200825  DOC FIELDS
ag_hist   Agricultural Land Use - Historic   CJ 20080605  DOC FIELDS
ag_use   Agricultural Use Land   MP 20000405  DOC FIELDS
ac110422   Agua Caliente Pond UAV/Drone Flight 11/4/2022   EV 20230307  DOC FIELDS
aez_hz   Airport Environs Height Overlay Zone   FM 20190416  DOC FIELDS
aez_lu   Airport Environs Land Use Overlay Zone   VW 20090515  DOC FIELDS
aez_nz   Airport Environs Noise Overlay Zone   JR 2009  DOC FIELDS
air_rwys   Airport Runways   FM 20171114  DOC FIELDS
opajo03b   Ajo 2003 Grayscale Orthophotos   JL 2003  DOC FIELDS
alert   ALERT Flood Warning System   KM 20080215  DOC FIELDS
cnpagall   All PAG topographic contours   JM 20170925  DOC FIELDS
m_bebat   Allen's big-eared bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_bebat   Allen's big-eared bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
allot   Allotments - Grazing   MP 20111013  DOC FIELDS
grzazblm   Allotments - Grazing on BLM lands (AZ)   CJ 20070406  DOC FIELDS
grzpcblm   Allotments - Grazing on BLM lands(PC)   CJ 20070406  DOC FIELDS
grz_azst   Allotments - Grazing on State lands   FM 20151027  DOC FIELDS
allot_fs   Allotments - Grazing, on Forest Service Land   MP 20041112  DOC FIELDS
alris_tb   ALRIS Tile Boundaries   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
ayso   American Youth Soccer Association   RB 20160712  DOC FIELDS
annex   Annexation and deannexation boundaries   JL 20180423  DOC FIELDS
archsens   Archaeological Sensitivity Zones   MP 20010125  DOC FIELDS
asenscot   Archaeological Sensitivity Zones - City of Tucson   CP 20120802  DOC FIELDS
areaplan   Area Plans - City of Tucson   CP 20000519  DOC FIELDS
consarea   Areas of High Biological Significance   JR 20060515  DOC FIELDS
sp_rich2   Areas of High Biological Value   cj 20091209  DOC FIELDS
fp_sheet   Areas of sheet flooding   SW 20090304  DOC FIELDS
azcieneg   Arizona Cienegas   JR 20060511  DOC FIELDS
azcity_e   Arizona Cities - ESRI Sample Data   JL 200211  DOC FIELDS
azcities   Arizona City and Town Limits - ALRIS   ML 20111114  DOC FIELDS
azconadp   Arizona Congressional Districts - 2012 Elections   FM 20120628  DOC FIELDS
azcounty   Arizona Counties   LC 20190722  DOC FIELDS
azdevel   Arizona Developments   JR 20061208  DOC FIELDS
azgf_veg   Arizona Game & Fish Department vegetation   JR 20060502  DOC FIELDS
azgfunit   Arizona Game and Fish Game Management Units   CP 20060601  DOC FIELDS
azgeolog   Arizona Geology   JR 1988  DOC FIELDS
azgfrs   Arizona Grandfathered Water Rights   JR 20060509  DOC FIELDS
az_grass   Arizona Grasslands   JR 20060511  DOC FIELDS
azintrst   Arizona Interstate Highways   FM 20000406  DOC FIELDS
azintr_e   Arizona Interstate Highways - ESRI Sample Data   JL 200211  DOC FIELDS
azowner   Arizona Land Ownership - ALRIS   ML 20150402  DOC FIELDS
azlegadp   Arizona Legislative Districts - 2012 Elections   FM 20120628  DOC FIELDS
azmjrd_e   Arizona Major Roads- ESRI Sample Data   JL 200211  DOC FIELDS
azmines   Arizona Mines   JR 1994  DOC FIELDS
link_az   Arizona Missing Linkages (AGFD/NAU 2007-2008)   EG 20141205  DOC FIELDS
aznatveg   Arizona Natural Vegetation   JR 20060502  DOC FIELDS
aoltbndy   Arizona Open Land Trust subarea boundaries   JR 20080821  DOC FIELDS
aztr   Arizona PLSS Township Boundaries   SW 20021220  DOC FIELDS
api_parc   Arizona Preserve Initiative (API) state trust parcels   CJ 20070411  DOC FIELDS
azripveg   Arizona Riparian Vegetation   JR 20060502  DOC FIELDS
m_shrew   Arizona shrew Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_shrew   Arizona shrew Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
azspring   Arizona Springs   JR 19990714  DOC FIELDS
azstasld   Arizona State Roads   RB 20040615  DOC FIELDS
azstlnrf   Arizona State Trust Land Reform Parcels   JR 20060518  DOC FIELDS
azst12   Arizona Streets Class 1,2   SW 20100114  DOC FIELDS
azst123   Arizona Streets Class 1,2,3   SW 20100114  DOC FIELDS
aztowns   Arizona Towns   SW 20120402  DOC FIELDS
azwater   Arizona Water Districts   JR 20060216  DOC FIELDS
corr_az   Arizona Wildlife Linkages (ADOT 2006)   ML 20130131  DOC FIELDS
azysa   Arizona Youth Soccer Association   RB 20160714  DOC FIELDS
armycorp   Army Corp of Engineers Projects   FM 20040720  DOC FIELDS
wfaspntc   Aspen BAER Treatment Channel Clear   JR 20030705  DOC FIELDS
wfaspntp   Aspen BAER Treatment Points   JR 20030706  DOC FIELDS
wfaspntm   Aspen BAER Treatment Seed Mulch   JR 20030705  DOC FIELDS
wfaspnts   Aspen BAER Treatment Seed Only   JR 20030705  DOC FIELDS
wfaspnpr   Aspen Fire Burn Perimeter   JR 20030915  DOC FIELDS
wfaspnbs   Aspen Fire Burn Severity   JR 20030816  DOC FIELDS
wfaspnmg   Aspen Fire Merged Perimeters   JR 20030715  DOC FIELDS
pa_aspen   Aspen Fire Parcel Status   MP 20030709  DOC FIELDS
pa_eco   Assessor Economic Districts   SW 20230221  DOC FIELDS
pa_mrkt   Assessor market areas.   MP 20051025  DOC FIELDS
pa_nbhd   Assessor Neighborhood boundaries   PL 20220831  DOC FIELDS
asr_bkmp   Assessor Parcel Book Maps   JB 20140611  DOC FIELDS
asr_bk   Assessor Parcel Books   JB 20140611  DOC FIELDS
stvanppp   Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) van road GPS points collected 2008-2015   SW 20170530  DOC FIELDS
stvm2017   Automatic Road Analyzer(ARAN) van GPS points collected 2017   RB 20180515  DOC FIELDS
stvl2010   Automatic Road Analyzer(ARAN) van local road GPS points - 2008, 2009, 2010   SW 20120403  DOC FIELDS
stvm2009   Automatic Road Analyzer(ARAN) van major road GPS points collected 2009   SW 20120403  DOC FIELDS
stvm2011   Automatic Road Analyzer(ARAN) van major road GPS points collected 2011   SW 20120403  DOC FIELDS
avi_esmt   Avigation Easement and Disclosure Areas   JD 20041220  DOC FIELDS
avcanals   Avra Valley Irrigation Canals   MP 19991227  DOC FIELDS
avid   Avra Valley Irrigation District   MP 19991227  DOC FIELDS
avid_06   Avra Valley Irrigation District 2006   JR 20060405  DOC FIELDS
pcazpdes   AZPDES MS4 permit jurisdiction.   SW 20121  DOC FIELDS
bajasb   Baja Arizona Softball Association   RB 20160714  DOC FIELDS
bank_eim   Bank Protection By Wash Name   CL 1999  DOC FIELDS
bedrock   Bedrock - 1992 Tucson Water   JR 1992  DOC FIELDS
bedrock3   Bedrock - 1999 Unkown Source   MP 19990915  DOC FIELDS
bedrock2   Bedrock - 2000 USGS   JR 20000913  DOC FIELDS
bedrock5   Bedrock - depth to bedrock AZGS   JR 20100607  DOC FIELDS
m_vireo   Bell's vireo Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_vireo   Bell's vireo Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
bike_rte   Bicycle Routes   CJ 20221001  DOC FIELDS
bio_asu   Biotic Communities   LC 20150811  DOC FIELDS
birds_pc   Bird Species   JR 19991102  DOC FIELDS
pr_bird   Birding Sites (Category 1)   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
pr_bird2   Birding Sites (Category 2)   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
acec   BLM Areas of Critical Environmental Concern   MP 20100115  DOC FIELDS
wpc_acec   BLM Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (Western Pima County)   ML 20141209  DOC FIELDS
opdoq96b   BLM Arizona Imagery Mosaic   JD 200211  DOC FIELDS
iedoq96b   BLM Arizona Imagery Mosaic - ECW Photo Index   JD 200211  DOC FIELDS
indoq96b   BLM Arizona Imagery Mosaic - TIFF Photo Index   JD 200211  DOC FIELDS
wpc_disp   BLM Disposable Lands (Western Pima County)   ML 20141209  DOC FIELDS
allotblm   BLM Grazing Allotments   JR 20070329  DOC FIELDS
wpc_prng   BLM Seasonal Closure for Pronghorn (Western Pima County)   ML 20141209  DOC FIELDS
wpc_srma   BLM Special Recreation Management Areas (Western Pima County)   ML 20141209  DOC FIELDS
bondline   Bond Projects (LINES) 1974-2011   BP 20120406  DOC FIELDS
bond_pts   Bond Projects (POINTS) 1974-2004   BP 20120406  DOC FIELDS
bondpoly   Bond Projects (POLYS) 1974-2011   BP 20120406  DOC FIELDS
buffer99   Buffer Overlay Zones   JR 19990101  DOC FIELDS
bldgcode   Building Code effective date 7/1/1974   CP 20091214  DOC FIELDS
bldgbing   Building Footprints - BING   SW 20180703  DOC FIELDS
adr_unt   Building Unit Identification for address and permit activity   CJ 20240722  DOC FIELDS
adr_bldg   Buildings with address and permit activity   CA 20240722  DOC FIELDS
builttnc   Built, Irrigated & Mining Environment   JR 20060502  DOC FIELDS
wfbullpr   Bullock Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20111114  DOC FIELDS
boma_m   Burrowing Owl Management Areas - Marana   CJ 20080311  DOC FIELDS
busroute   Bus Routes - Sun Tran   SW 20120620  DOC FIELDS
m_pygowl   Cactus ferruginous pygmy owl Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_pygowl   Cactus ferruginous pygmy owl Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
recov_01   Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl Draft Recovery Area 2001   JR 20010418  DOC FIELDS
recov_02   Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl Draft Recovery Area 2002   JR 20020219  DOC FIELDS
recvarea   Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl Draft Recovery Area 2003   JR 20030224  DOC FIELDS
cagrdsub   CAGRD Member Subdivisions   JD 20140916  DOC FIELDS
m_clnbat   California leaf-nosed bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_clnbat   California leaf-nosed bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
canoa_lg   Canoa Land Grant   MP 20051213  DOC FIELDS
canoa   Canoa Ranch   JR 19980504  DOC FIELDS
opcdo06c   Canyon del Oro Wash 2006 Orthophotos   JL 2006  DOC FIELDS
cap   CAP (Central Arizona Project)   FM 1992  DOC FIELDS
cap_pts   CAP (Central Arizona Project) - points   CP 20050526  DOC FIELDS
cap_lins   CAP (Central Arizona Project)- Lines   CP 20050426  DOC FIELDS
cipcrd   Capital Improvement Projects - Cultural Resources Department   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipdot   Capital Improvement Projects - Department of Transportation   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipdstrb   Capital Improvement Projects - Disturbed Lands   MP 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipdot57   Capital Improvement Projects - DOT Bond Project No 57   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipfmdpt   Capital Improvement Projects - Facilities Management Dept.   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipfcd   Capital Improvement Projects - Flood Control Department   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipitpt   Capital Improvement Projects - Information Technology Department   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipsdpt   Capital Improvement Projects - Sheriff's Department   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipstdpt   Capital Improvement Projects - Stadium District   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipwwmpt   Capital Improvement Projects - Wastewater Management (Capacity)   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipwwmpl   Capital Improvement Projects - Wastewater Management (Conveyance)   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipprdpt   Capital Improvement Projects (Points) Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipprdpl   Capital Improvement Projects (polygons) Natural Resources Parks and Rec   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipfltpl   Capital Improvement Projects- Fleet Services Dept. shown as polygons   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipnrdpl   Capital Improvement Projects-Neighborhood Reinvest. Dept-Shown as polygons   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cipnrdpt   Capital Improvement Projects-Neighborhood Reinvestment Dept-shown as points   FM 20160613  DOC FIELDS
cattail   Cattail Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
cen2kemp   Census 2000 employment status   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2krnt   Census 2000 gross rent as a % household income in 1999   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kten   Census 2000 housing tenure   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kinc   Census 2000 income data for 1999   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2khhi   Census 2000 monthly owner costs as a % household income in 1999   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kedu   Census 2000 personal education level data   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kpov   Census 2000 poverty status in 1999   JR 20020911  DOC FIELDS
cen2krel   Census 2000 relationship to householder   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2ksex   Census 2000 sex and age information   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kval   Census 2000 structure value   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2kblt   Census 2000 year structure built information   JR 20020916  DOC FIELDS
cen2010v   Census 2010 - Voter District Population/Ethnicity   EG 20130423  DOC FIELDS
cn10treo   Census 2010 TREO Economic Development   RB 20150520  DOC FIELDS
cen2001g   Census Block Groups - 2000 (adjusted)   SW 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2010g   Census Block Groups - 2010   SW 20151117  DOC FIELDS
cen2012g   Census Block Groups - 2012   SW 20151117  DOC FIELDS
cen2020g   Census Block Groups - 2020   SW 20201221  DOC FIELDS
cen2010e   Census Block Groups - Employment 2013   SW 20151117  DOC FIELDS
cenblgrp   Census Block Groups -1990   JR 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cenblock   Census Blocks - 1990   JR 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2000b   Census Blocks - 2000   SW 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2001b   Census Blocks - 2000 (adjusted)   SW 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2010b   Census Blocks - 2010   SW 20151117  DOC FIELDS
cen2020b   Census Blocks - 2020   SW 20201221  DOC FIELDS
cen2020p   Census Designated Places - 2020   SW 20201221  DOC FIELDS
centract   Census Tracts - 1990   JR 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2000t   Census Tracts - 2000   JR 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2001t   Census Tracts - 2000 (adjusted)   SW 20111102  DOC FIELDS
cen2010t   Census Tracts - 2010   SW 20151117  DOC FIELDS
cen2012t   Census Tracts - 2012   SW 20190801  DOC FIELDS
cen2020t   Census Tracts - 2020   SW 20201221  DOC FIELDS
cencejst   Census Tracts with Climate and Economic Justice Attributes   KRM 20230710  DOC FIELDS
wfchrypr   Cherry Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
m_lfrog   Chiricahua leopard frog Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_lfrog   Chiricahua leopard frog Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
cienproj   Cienega Corridor projects   RB 20040723  DOC FIELDS
cc_cvrts   Cienega Creek Corridor Culverts   ML 20200115  DOC FIELDS
cc_wshed   Cienega Creek Watershed   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
cipbank   CIP Bank Protection RFCD   JR 1997  DOC FIELDS
cip_info   CIP Information Points for Linear RFCD Projects   JR 1997  DOC FIELDS
cippoint   CIP Point for RFCD Projects   RH 1997  DOC FIELDS
impctcot   City of Tucson Development Impact Fee Areas   JD 20070109  DOC FIELDS
fp_cot   City of Tucson Floodhazard Floodplains   KM 20160801  DOC FIELDS
fp_cothz   City of Tucson Floodhazards   KM 20160803  DOC FIELDS
tw_hyd   City of Tucson POT Hydrant   WD 20231023  DOC FIELDS
cotparc   City of Tucson Real Property Inventory   JD 20180709  DOC FIELDS
coch_hyd   Cochise County Hydrography   SW 20021104  DOC FIELDS
cochland   Cochise County Land Ownership   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
coch_trs   Cochise County PLSS (TRS)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
coch_sts   Cochise County Streets   SW 20021104  DOC FIELDS
comcstsa   Comcast Service Areas   JL 200707  DOC FIELDS
solar_co   Commercial Solar Projects in Pima County and City of Tucson   CP 20111212  DOC FIELDS
com_land   Committed Lands   MP 20001019  DOC FIELDS
commname   Community names   JR 20060118  DOC FIELDS
cosp2015   Community Open Space Priorities 2015   ML 20141102  DOC FIELDS
cosp2022   Community Open Space Priorities 2022   ML 20221024  DOC FIELDS
amends98   Comprehensive Plan - 1998 Amendments   SW 19981112  DOC FIELDS
amends99   Comprehensive Plan - 1999 Amendments   SW 19990422  DOC FIELDS
amends2k   Comprehensive Plan - 2000 Amendments   SW 20000615  DOC FIELDS
amends08   Comprehensive Plan - 2008 Amendments   LC 20080507  DOC FIELDS
amends09   Comprehensive Plan - 2009 Amendments   LC 20090902  DOC FIELDS
amends11   Comprehensive Plan - 2011 Amendments   LC 20120210  DOC FIELDS
cphist   Comprehensive Plan Case History   EG 20170629  DOC FIELDS
cpfcrsar   Comprehensive Plan Flood Control Resource Areas   EG 20151102  DOC FIELDS
cpfcrsa2   Comprehensive Plan Flood Control Resource Areas - Generalized   EG 20151105  DOC FIELDS
cpintens   Comprehensive Plan Land Use Intensity--Pima Prospers 2015   EG 20170515  DOC FIELDS
cpplarea   Comprehensive Plan Planning Areas   EG 20151013  DOC FIELDS
cprzpols   Comprehensive Plan Rezoning Policies   EG 20170511  DOC FIELDS
cpshoot   Comprehensive Plan S-31 Shooting Ranges   EG 20151013  DOC FIELDS
cpcdtarg   Comprehensive Plan S-33 Community Development Target Areas   EG 20151013  DOC FIELDS
cprvcorr   Comprehensive Plan S-34 Revitalization Opportunity Corridors   EG 20151013  DOC FIELDS
cpsapols   Comprehensive Plan Special Area Policies   EG 20170505  DOC FIELDS
reserves   Conceptual Reserves   ML 20100101  DOC FIELDS
clsadopt   Conservation Lands System Categories   JR 20050621  DOC FIELDS
cls_sci   Conservation Lands System Scientific Research Areas   JR 20040227  DOC FIELDS
cls_spp   Conservation Lands System Special Species Management Areas (SSMAs)   JR 20090311  DOC FIELDS
crluplan   Continental Ranch Land Use Plan   JD 20020328  DOC FIELDS
copper   Copper anomalies in Eastern Pima County and Santa Cruz County   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
coppappf   Copper World APP Facility Locations   LC 20240129  DOC FIELDS
coppftrs   Copper World Features   ML 20220729  DOC FIELDS
copppocm   Copper World POC Monitoring Locations   LC 20240129  DOC FIELDS
coppdpst   Copper World Resource Deposits   ML 20220801  DOC FIELDS
corofrhy   Coronado N.F. Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic   EG 20200522  DOC FIELDS
coro5ws   Coronado National Forest - 5-digit watershed boundaries   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
coro6ws   Coronado National Forest - 6-digit watershed boundaries   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
corofret   Coronado National Forest Aerial Fire Retardant Avoidance Areas: Terrestrial   EG 20200522  DOC FIELDS
corbndpc   Coronado National Forest Boundary   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
corallot   Coronado National Forest Grazing Allotments - All   ML 2015  DOC FIELDS
cororna   Coronado National Forest Research Natural Areas   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
corwshcl   Coronado National Forest Washes   MP 20080124  DOC FIELDS
corwild   Coronado National Forest Wilderness Areas   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
prisons   Correctional Facilities - Adult Prisons   SW 20040805  DOC FIELDS
distcort   Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District   MP 20160404  DOC FIELDS
tdothr   COT DOT surveys/record of surveys, ROW plans, and plan library features.   JA 20170308  DOC FIELDS
solarcot   COT Solar Development Parcels   JR 20120312  DOC FIELDS
cottwill   Cottonwood - Willow Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
link_bar   County Stakeholder Wildlife Connectivity Reports: Barriers (AGFD 2009-13)   EG 20141205  DOC FIELDS
link_crs   County Stakeholder Wildlife Connectivity Reports: Crossings (AGFD 2009-13)   EG 20141205  DOC FIELDS
link_cty   County Stakeholder Wildlife Connectivity Reports: Movement (AGFD 2009-13)   EG 20141205  DOC FIELDS
creo_bur   Creosote - Bursage Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
dams   Dam Locations   MP 19991104  DOC FIELDS
dm_adc   Davis Monthan AFB Approach-Departure Corridors   JL 20040201  DOC FIELDS
dm_os   Davis Monthan AFB Urban Encroachment Prevention   MP 20070802  DOC FIELDS
airbound   Davis Monthan Air Force Base   SW 20150303  DOC FIELDS
dmafbvic   Davis Monthan Air Force Base Vicinity   JD 20110909  DOC FIELDS
dm_aicuz   Davis Monthan Air Installation Compatible Use Zone   VW 20090515  DOC FIELDS
dm_ncd   Davis-Monthan AFB Noise Control Districts   JL 20040201  DOC FIELDS
dmosbond   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base 2004 open space acquisitions   JR 20120207  DOC FIELDS
dem_grid   DEM (Digital Elevation Model)   SW 1996  DOC FIELDS
fp_bdrck   Depth to Bedrock   KM 20080908  DOC FIELDS
m_bxturt   Desert box turtle Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_bxturt   Desert box turtle Priority Conservation Areas   CJ 20090422  DOC FIELDS
m_pufish   Desert pupfish Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
m_dessuc   Desert sucker Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_dessuc   Desert sucker Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
dch_acna   Designated Critical Habitat for Acuna Cactus   ML 20170118  DOC FIELDS
dch_chir   Designated Critical Habitat for Chiricahua Leopard Frog   ML 20140930  DOC FIELDS
basinpvt   Detention and Retention Basins - Privately Owned   AJ 20081230  DOC FIELDS
basinpub   Detention and Retention Basins - Publicly Owned   SW 20120501  DOC FIELDS
pr_cmpst   Developed Campsites   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
nlcd16id   Developed Imperviousness Descriptor-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190808  DOC FIELDS
fp_deveh   Developer Mapped Erosion Hazard Areas   KM 20170523  DOC FIELDS
fp_devfl   Developer Mapped Floodplains   KM 20140122  DOC FIELDS
dev_perm   Development Permits   LC 20150710  DOC FIELDS
dev_plan   Development Plans   LC 20150710  DOC FIELDS
dev_hist   Development Plans - Historical   LC 20150710  DOC FIELDS
dev_corp   Development Plans - Incorporated areas   LC 20150710  DOC FIELDS
opdoq92b   Digital Ortho Quarter Quad (DOQQ) 1992 Grayscale Imagery - Pima County   SW unknown  DOC FIELDS
disp_blm   Disposable Land - BLM   MP 20000906  DOC FIELDS
disp_az   Disposable Land - State of Arizona   MP 20000315  DOC FIELDS
stnetdis   Dissolved Street Network   CJ 20100301  DOC FIELDS
azcondis   Districts - 2002 U.S. Congressional for Arizona   SW 20190212  DOC FIELDS
firedist   Districts - Fire Taxation   WG 20240610  DOC FIELDS
dist_pcc   Districts - Pima Community College Taxation   SW 20190319  DOC FIELDS
dist_bos   Districts - Pima County Board of Supervisors   SW 20240104  DOC FIELDS
azlegdis   Districts - State Legislative   SW 20190212  DOC FIELDS
dist_leg   Districts - State Legislative in Pima County   EG 20230127  DOC FIELDS
dist_con   Districts - United States Congressional   EG 20230127  DOC FIELDS
distvote   Districts - Voter Precincts   EG 20240104  DOC FIELDS
distvcen   Districts - Voter Precincts - With Census Populations   SW 20080301  DOC FIELDS
distpoll   Districts - Voter Precincts with Polling Locations   EG 20220304  DOC FIELDS
opdoq96c   DOQQ 1996-1997 DOQQ Color Infrared Imagery - Pima County   SW unknown  DOC FIELDS
imppln   DOT Improvement Plans - Historical   LS 20080509  DOC FIELDS
dotprjct   DOT Roadway Projects   NB 20210728  DOC FIELDS
dfirmcon   Douglas Fir / Mixed Conifer Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
drainbas   Drainage Basins - NPDES   JR 1991  DOC FIELDS
padw_ded   Drainageways - Dedication   KM 20130328  DOC FIELDS
drastagr   DRASTIC - Agricultural   JR 1988  DOC FIELDS
drasagam   DRASTIC - Agricultural AMA   JR 1988  DOC FIELDS
drastgen   DRASTIC - General   JR 1988  DOC FIELDS
drasgnam   DRASTIC - General AMA   JR 1988  DOC FIELDS
dt_int   Drive time rings (0-5 and 5-10 minutes) to an interstate ramp.   SW 20170215  DOC FIELDS
dt_taa   Drive time rings (5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes) to TAA Air Cargo facility.   SW 20170215  DOC FIELDS
dt_port   Drive time rings(5 - 30 mins)to Port of Tucson Intermodal Freight Facility.   SW 20170215  DOC FIELDS
esn_fire   E911 Fire Response Areas   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
esn_law   E911 Law Enforcement Response Areas   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
esn_med   E911 Medical Response Areas   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
esn_comm   E911 MSAG Community Areas   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
esn_psap   E911 PSAP Areas   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
pipeline   Eastern Pima County Underground Pipelines   RB 20050801  DOC FIELDS
ecoregns   Ecoregions of Pima County   ML 20080604  DOC FIELDS
eff_rchg   Effluent Recharge Facilities   MP 20100205  DOC FIELDS
etdt2016   El Tour De Tucson Route - 2016   SW 20161107  DOC FIELDS
etdt2020   El Tour De Tucson Route - 2020   BS 20200501  DOC FIELDS
distelec   Electric Company Service Areas   SW 20150115  DOC FIELDS
em_t11   Elevation Models for Township 11S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t12   Elevation Models for Township 12S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t13   Elevation Models for Township 13S   SW 20031003  DOC FIELDS
em_t14   Elevation Models for Township 14S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t15   Elevation Models for Township 15S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t16   Elevation Models for Township 16S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t17   Elevation Models for Township 17S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t18   Elevation Models for Township 18S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
em_t19   Elevation Models for Township 19S   SW 20031002  DOC FIELDS
st_emrd   Emergency Road Passage   CJ 20110830  DOC FIELDS
esn_pima   Emergency services number for Pima County   WG 20240708  DOC FIELDS
empfence   Empirita Ranch fences   RB 20050606  DOC FIELDS
emproads   Empirita Ranch roads   RB 20150604  DOC FIELDS
empsprng   Empirita Ranch springs   RB 20050606  DOC FIELDS
empwells   Empirita Ranch wells   RB 20050606  DOC FIELDS
wfencbpr   Encebado Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
wfencbmg   Encebado Fire Merged Perimeters   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
azstream   Ephemeral and Perennial Streams in Arizona   SW 20030910  DOC FIELDS
fp_wstbk   Erosion Hazard Setback   KM 20140514  DOC FIELDS
pk_event   Events permitted by Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation   JG 20140929  DOC FIELDS
tortprsv   Existing Tortolita Preserve   CJ 20070612  DOC FIELDS
rosemill   Extent of Rosemont Copper Mill Site Claims   ML 20200114  DOC FIELDS
adfacil   Facility Addresses   JA Daily  DOC FIELDS
faults   Faults - Geologic   FM 1992  DOC FIELDS
fp_dfdif   FEMA Flood Hazard Zone Preliminary Difference Areas   KM 20090617  DOC FIELDS
fi_levee   FEMA Levees   KM 20080326  DOC FIELDS
fp_zonex   FEMA Zone X Shaded Subzones   MBC 20110616  DOC FIELDS
fk_zonex   FEMA Zone X Shaded Subzones - 1999   MBC 20110308  DOC FIELDS
st_class   FHWA and PASER classifications combined   RB 20171221  DOC FIELDS
wfsabp14   Final Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2014 for SE Arizona   FM 20150326  DOC FIELDS
firestat   Fire Stations   AJ 20240115  DOC FIELDS
corfires   Fires on the Coronado National Forest 1970-2004   ML 20080604  DOC FIELDS
fp_panel   FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Panel Boundaries   SW 20110616  DOC FIELDS
fk_panel   FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Panel Boundaries - FEMA Digital FIRM - 1999   SW 19990709  DOC FIELDS
fp_struc   FIRM Hydraulic Structures.   SW 20090706  DOC FIELDS
fp_strmp   FIRM surface water linear features.   SW 20110616  DOC FIELDS
pr_fish   Fishing Locations   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
pr_fshpt   Fishing Locations (points)   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
fp_cpra   Flood Control Comprehensive Program Report Areas   KM 20171009  DOC FIELDS
parfcd_l   Flood Control parcels with License agreements.   KM 20071129  DOC FIELDS
siterev   Flood Control Site Reviews   KM 20021224  DOC FIELDS
fp_dfirm   Flood Hazard Zones - FEMA Digital FIRM   SW Current  DOC FIELDS
fk_dfirm   Flood Hazard Zones - FEMA Digital FIRM - 1999   MBC 20110617  DOC FIELDS
fp_fpktm   Flood Peak Travel Times   KM 20170512  DOC FIELDS
fpbfecnt   Floodplain BFE Contours   KM 20121024  DOC FIELDS
fp_harea   Floodplain Management Hydrologist Areas   KM 20080214  DOC FIELDS
fp_lomxb   Floodplains - Areas of revision (by LOMR)   MBC 20120201  DOC FIELDS
fk_lomxb   Floodplains - Areas of revision (by LOMR) - 1999   MBC 20210818  DOC FIELDS
fk_lomxp   Floodplains - Areas of revision not yet in the GIS floodplain layers - 1999   MBC 20100914  DOC FIELDS
fp_lomxp   Floodplains - Areas of revision not yet in the GIS floodplain layers.   MBC 20110615  DOC FIELDS
fp_bfe   Floodplains - Base Flood Elevation   MBC 20120202  DOC FIELDS
fk_bfe   Floodplains - Base Flood Elevation - FEMA Digital FIRM - 1999   MBC 20101222  DOC FIELDS
fp_xsect   Floodplains - Cross-sections   MBC 20120201  DOC FIELDS
fk_xsect   Floodplains - Cross-sections - FEMA Digital FIRM - 1999   MBC 20100913  DOC FIELDS
fp_lomx   Floodplains - Excluded Structures or Parcels (by LOMC/LOMA/LOMR-F)   MBC 20120419  DOC FIELDS
fk_lomx   Floodplains - Excluded Structures or Parcels (by LOMC/LOMA/LOMR-F) - 1999   MBC 20110217  DOC FIELDS
fp_fcd   Floodplains as defined by Pima County Flood Control District   CP 20060316  DOC FIELDS
fp_flap   Floodprone Land Acquisition Program (FLAP)   MP 20140801  DOC FIELDS
fp_flway   Floodways   MBC 20110616  DOC FIELDS
fk_flway   Floodways - FEMA Digital FIRM - 1999   MBC 20100913  DOC FIELDS
fourcnty   Four Counties boundaries   JR 200612  DOC FIELDS
f_anders   Franchise agreement - Anderson Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_aps   Franchise agreement - Arizona Public Service Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_azwatr   Franchise Agreement - Arizona Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_avra   Franchise agreement - Avra Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_gvwatr   Franchise Agreement - Community Water of Green Valley   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_datela   Franchise Agreement - Dateland Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_despob   Franchise Agreement - Despoblado Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_elpaso   Franchise Agreement - El Paso Natural Gas Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_farmer   Franchise Agreement - Farmer Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_interc   Franchise Agreement - Interchange Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_lago   Franchise Agreement - Lago Del Oro Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_quinta   Franchise Agreement - Las Quintas Serenas Water Company   MP 20031216  DOC FIELDS
f_mesa   Franchise Agreement - Mesaland Water Company   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_midval   Franchise Agreement - Midvale Telephone Exchange   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_quail   Franchise Agreement - Quail Creek Water Company   MP 20031216  DOC FIELDS
f_rancho   Franchise Agreement - Rancho Sahuarita Water Co. (formerly Interchange WC)   MP 20070627  DOC FIELDS
f_sfpp   Franchise Agreement - Southern Pacific Pipe Lines Partnership, LP.   MP 20031209  DOC FIELDS
f_swgas   Franchise Agreement - Southwest Gas Cooperative   MP 19961217  DOC FIELDS
f_swtran   Franchise Agreement - Southwest Transmission Cooperative   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_sulfur   Franchise Agreement - Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative   MP 20031209  DOC FIELDS
f_table   Franchise Agreement - Table Top Telephone Company   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_tierra   Franchise Agreement - Tierra Linda Homeowners Association   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_trico   Franchise Agreement - Trico Electric Cooperative   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_tucso   Franchise Agreement - Tucson South Water Company   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_tep   Franchise Agreement - Tucson, Gas, Electric Light and Power Company   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_vailsc   Franchise Agreement - Vail School District   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_vailwa   Franchise Agreement - Vail Water Company   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
f_wolfsw   Franchise Agreement - Wolfswinkel Group   MP 20010410  DOC FIELDS
fcv250k   Full Cash Value Improvements >$250,000   JR 20061206  DOC FIELDS
stfclass   Functional Classification   CJ 20100224  DOC FIELDS
gateways   Gateway Overlay Zone   LC 20150127  DOC FIELDS
m_indigo   Gentry indigobush Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_indigo   Gentry indigobush Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
azgeonam   Geographic Place Names for Arizona (USGS)   MP 20030328  DOC FIELDS
geonames   Geographic Place Names for Pima County (USGS)   MP 20030328  DOC FIELDS
m_spwhip   Giant spotted whiptail Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_spwhip   Giant spotted whiptail Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
dch_chub   Gila Chub Designated Critical Habitat   ML 20100907  DOC FIELDS
m_gchub   Gila chub Habitat Model   JR 200201  DOC FIELDS
p_gchub   Gila chub Priority Conservation Areas   JR 20050502  DOC FIELDS
m_minnow   Gila topminnow Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_minnow   Gila topminnow Priority Conservation Areas   JR 20050502  DOC FIELDS
zone_gc   Golf Course Zone   LC 20140724  DOC FIELDS
golf   Golf Courses   RB 20120723  DOC FIELDS
gps_net   GPS Control Network   SW 1992  DOC FIELDS
geocntrl   GPS Geodetic Control Points - HPGN   JA 20170214  DOC FIELDS
distgraf   Graffiti Districts   CP 20080124  DOC FIELDS
grahamhy   Graham County Hydrography   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
gra_land   Graham County Land Ownership   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
grahamst   Graham County Streets   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
grndfthr   Grandfathered Water Rights   JR 20060525  DOC FIELDS
grasslnd   Grasslands - TNC   MP 20021022  DOC FIELDS
gv_bnd   Green Valley Planning Boundary   SW 20101215  DOC FIELDS
topo_gv   Green Valley Topo from CMG Drainage   KM 20141119  DOC FIELDS
m_gsnake   Ground snake Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
gsnake_m   Ground snake Habitat Model - Marana   CJ 20070612  DOC FIELDS
p_gsnake   Ground snake Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
recharge   Groundwater Recharge Basins   EG 20160621  DOC FIELDS
gypsum   Gypsum Deposits for eastern Pima County   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
habitat   Habitat - Wildlife   JR 1992  DOC FIELDS
hppp2004   Habitat Protection Priorities 2004 - Private   MP 20081208  DOC FIELDS
hpps2004   Habitat Protection Priorities 2004 - State   MP 20090908  DOC FIELDS
hppp2015   Habitat Protection Priorities 2015 - Private   ML 20141102  DOC FIELDS
hpps2015   Habitat Protection Priorities 2015 - State   ML 20141102  DOC FIELDS
hppp2022   Habitat Protection Priorities 2022 - Private   ML 20221024  DOC FIELDS
hpps2022   Habitat Protection Priorities 2022 - State   ML 20221024  DOC FIELDS
rip_harr   Harris Riparian   JR 20020508  DOC FIELDS
imhay04c   Hayhook Ranch 2004 Multispec Imagery   JL 20040909  DOC FIELDS
hazplume   Hazardous Plumes in Groundwater   FM 1992  DOC FIELDS
hlth_fac   Health Facilities   KJ 20160217  DOC FIELDS
hpsa_den   Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) - Dental Services   CJ 20070601  DOC FIELDS
hpsa_men   Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) - Mental Health Services   CJ 20070601  DOC FIELDS
hpsa_pri   Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) - Primary Care   CJ 20070601  DOC FIELDS
wfhln2pr   Helens 2 Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
wfhln2mg   Helens 2 Fire Merged Perimeters   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
hipotent   High Potential mineral tracts in eastern Pima County   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
hsned1pe   Hill-shaded Relief Grid - NED 10m - Eastern Pima County   SW 20040309  DOC FIELDS
hsned1pw   Hill-shaded Relief Grid - NED 10m - Western Pima County   CJ 20070911  DOC FIELDS
hsned3pm   Hill-shaded Relief Grid (NED) 30m - Pima County   SW 20030703  DOC FIELDS
hsned3az   Hill-shaded Relief Grid (NED) 30m - State of Arizona   SW 20030703  DOC FIELDS
imld1hpc   Hillshaded Relief Image from LiDAR and NED 10m - Color   RB 201101  DOC FIELDS
imld1hpb   Hillshaded Relief Image from LiDAR and NED 10m - Grayscale   RB 201101  DOC FIELDS
imnd1hpe   Hillshaded Relief Image from National Elevation Data (NED) 10m - Eastern PC   SW 200409  DOC FIELDS
imnd3haz   Hillshaded Relief Image from National Elevation Data (NED) 30m - Arizona   SW 2003  DOC FIELDS
hdzimp   Hillside Development Overlay Zones (HDZ) Impact Areas   JA 20160930  DOC FIELDS
histclai   Historic Flood Insurance Claims   KM 20121201  DOC FIELDS
hislm   Historic Landmark Zones   JLA 20180417  DOC FIELDS
dpwaiver   Historical Development Plan Waivers and Streamlined Procedures   LC 20150713  DOC FIELDS
pa_ncode   'Historical Parcels - Non-taxcoded' areas   JA NA  DOC FIELDS
homeland   Homeland Security Region   SW 20000120  DOC FIELDS
hospital   Hospitals   AJ 20231220  DOC FIELDS
hotels   Hotels   JR 20070820  DOC FIELDS
wwm_hcs   Household Connection Sewers   SW 20200327  DOC FIELDS
pa_hcs   Household Connection Sewers - Parcels   SW Daily  DOC FIELDS
pa_hcsbs   Household Connection Sewers - Parcels - Bluestake version   JD Daily  DOC FIELDS
m_umbel   Huachuca water umbel Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_umbel   Huachuca water umbel Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
hud_nsp2   HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Target Area   MP 20110602  DOC FIELDS
pr_hunt   Hunting Areas   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
gmunitaz   Hunting Game Units - Arizona   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
gmunitpc   Hunting Game Units - Pima County   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
soilshyd   Hydrologic Soils Group Map   RB 20061205  DOC FIELDS
hucs   Hydrologic Unit Codes   KM 20121126  DOC FIELDS
nlcdimpv   Imperviousness Change-NLCD 2006 to 2011 (Raster)   EG 20170628  DOC FIELDS
ripareas   Important Riparian Areas   JR 200010  DOC FIELDS
impdist   Improvement District Plans   JG 20080707  DOC FIELDS
ind_nat   Indian Nations   RB 20210326  DOC FIELDS
infilloz   Infill Overlay Zone   JLA 20180205  DOC FIELDS
ti_bridg   Infrastructure - Bridges   PL 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_cbasn   Infrastructure - Catchbasins   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_ctlgd   Infrastructure - Cattleguards   EV 20081201  DOC FIELDS
ti_chimp   Infrastructure - Channel Improvements   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_cntst   Infrastructure - Counterstations   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_culvt   Infrastructure - Culverts   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_grdrl   Infrastructure - Guardrails   EV 20081201  DOC FIELDS
ti_scupr   Infrastructure - Scuppers   EV 20230303  DOC FIELDS
ti_sdwlk   Infrastructure - Sidewalks   CL 20180525  DOC FIELDS
ti_sinpt   Infrastructure - Sign Posts   GS 20201222  DOC FIELDS
ti_sdwll   Infrastructure - Sound Walls   EV 20090318  DOC FIELDS
ti_strdl   Infrastructure - Stormdrain Lines   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_sdmnh   Infrastructure - Stormdrain Manholes   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_strdp   Infrastructure - Stormdrain Points   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_strll   Infrastructure - Streetlight Lines   EV 20081106  DOC FIELDS
ti_strlp   Infrastructure - Streetlight Points   GS 2200813  DOC FIELDS
ti_cabnt   Infrastructure – Traffic Signal Cabinets   GS 20200915  DOC FIELDS
ti_sighd   Infrastructure – Traffic Signal Heads   GS 20200915  DOC FIELDS
ti_trfsg   Infrastructure - Traffic Signals   GS 20200813  DOC FIELDS
nwznoff   Inspection Areas - Zoning Areas   SW 20061113  DOC FIELDS
intswrip   Interior Southwest Riparian Deciduous Forest Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
istreams   Intermittent Streams - PAG   FM 20100611  DOC FIELDS
istreamb   Intermittent Streams with 300 Foot Buffer Special Element   JR 20050228  DOC FIELDS
fp_stat   Internal Floodplain Study Status   KM 20120924  DOC FIELDS
iwoodse   Ironwood Special Element   CJ 20070807  DOC FIELDS
dist_irr   Irrigation Districts in Eastern Pima County   KM 20060405  DOC FIELDS
jted_gov   Joint Technical Education District #11 Governing Board Districts   EG 20220606  DOC FIELDS
az_anzat   Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail - Arizona   SW 20111103  DOC FIELDS
az_anzac   Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Corridor - Arizona   MP 20100805  DOC FIELDS
jurisbnd   Jurisdictional Boundaries   RB Daily  DOC FIELDS
dist_jp   Justice Precincts   EG 20240104  DOC FIELDS
wfknshpr   Kinishba Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
wfknshmg   Kinishba Fire Burned Perimeters   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
trlabels   Label Points - Bicycle Routes   JB 20131205  DOC FIELDS
azlakes   Lakes   SW 1974  DOC FIELDS
lakes   Lakes - Man Made   SW 20180918  DOC FIELDS
landcon   Land Conservation Potential   MP 20000629  DOC FIELDS
pag208pt   Land Cover - PAG (points)   MP Unknown  DOC FIELDS
pag208   Land Cover - PAG (polys)   CJ 20070423  DOC FIELDS
landform   Land Cover - PAG and AGS (polys)   CJ 20010122  DOC FIELDS
landcovr   Land cover of Pima County   MP 20000107  DOC FIELDS
azlndstw   Land Stewardship - SW Regional Gap Analysis Project - Arizona   MP 20080516  DOC FIELDS
landstew   Land Stewardship - SW Regional Gap Analysis Project - Pima County   MP 20080516  DOC FIELDS
sbsd8798   Land Subsidence & Aquifer-System Compaction: 1987-1998   ML 20071227  DOC FIELDS
sbsd8705   Land Subsidence & Aquifer-System Compaction: 1987-2005   ML 20071227  DOC FIELDS
sbsd9802   Land Subsidence & Aquifer-System Compaction: 1998-2002   ML 20071227  DOC FIELDS
sbsd0205   Land Subsidence & Aquifer-System Compaction: 2002-2005   ML 20071227  DOC FIELDS
nlcdchng   Landcover Change Index-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190808  DOC FIELDS
nlcd0611   Landcover Change-NLCD 2006 to 2011 (Raster)   EG 20170628  DOC FIELDS
nlcd2001   Landcover-NLCD 2001(Grid)   MP 20000913  DOC FIELDS
nlcd06po   Landcover-NLCD 2006 (Polygons)   EG 20131018  DOC FIELDS
nlcd2006   Landcover-NLCD 2006 (Raster)   MP 20110505  DOC FIELDS
nlcd11lg   Landcover-NLCD 2011 (MapGuide Legend)   EG 20170908  DOC FIELDS
nlcd11po   Landcover-NLCD 2011 (Polygons)   EG 20170908  DOC FIELDS
nlcd2011   Landcover-NLCD 2011 (Raster)   EG 20170809  DOC FIELDS
nlcd2016   Landcover-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190808  DOC FIELDS
nlcd2019   Landcover-NLCD 2019 (Raster)   EG 20210929  DOC FIELDS
lfil_ex   Landfills - Existing   FM 20090702  DOC FIELDS
lfilfdaz   Landfills - Federal and State   JR 1996  DOC FIELDS
lfilwild   Landfills - Illegal Wildcat Dumps (Point)   SW 1993  DOC FIELDS
lfilwpol   Landfills - Illegal Wildcat Dumps (Polygonal)   JR 1996  DOC FIELDS
lfil_pro   Landfills - Proposed   FM 1993  DOC FIELDS
lfiltspc   Landfills - Tucson and Pima County Owned   SW 20090702  DOC FIELDS
oplst00b   Landsat 2000 Grayscale Imagery   SW 20000606  DOC FIELDS
oplst00c   Landsat 2000 Multispec Imagery   SW 20000606  DOC FIELDS
lndscpmt   Landscape Maintenance Layer   CJ 20230408  DOC FIELDS
landplan   Landscape Plans   LC 20150209  DOC FIELDS
lu_cot93   Landuse - COT Existing 1993   SW 1993  DOC FIELDS
lu_cnt90   Landuse - Existing 1990   SW 199908  DOC FIELDS
oploindx   Latest Orthophoto Imagery Index   RB 20190501  DOC FIELDS
cnpagidx   Latest PAG contour areas   SW 20171004  DOC FIELDS
m_lnbat   Lesser long-nosed bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
lnbat_m   Lesser long-nosed bat Habitat Model - Marana   CJ 20080311  DOC FIELDS
p_lnbat   Lesser long-nosed bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
library   Libraries   FM 20230613  DOC FIELDS
litemar   Lighting Code - Marana   KJ 20100628  DOC FIELDS
limeston   Limestone outcrops   RB 20041025  DOC FIELDS
stlinbar   Line Barriers   RB 20220628  DOC FIELDS
fi_linpk   Linear Park System   KM 20090819  DOC FIELDS
liquorlc   Liquor licenses, Pima County   JM 20100905  DOC FIELDS
grazing   Livestock Grazing   MP 20000918  DOC FIELDS
fp_lflcd   Local Floodplain Flow Corridors   KM 20120109  DOC FIELDS
fp_lfcis   Local Flow Contained in Structure   KM 20220701  DOC FIELDS
fp_lfway   Locally Mapped Floodways   KM 20200205  DOC FIELDS
alley   Location of paved and non-paved alleys in the City of Tucson.   SW 20030505  DOC FIELDS
m_lodace   Longfin dace Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_lodace   Longfin dace Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
vfloor   Low Elevation Valley Floors Special Element   JR 20020227  DOC FIELDS
geotherm   Low Temperature Geothermal Waters   JR 20011012  DOC FIELDS
m_llfrog   Lowland leopard frog Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_llfrog   Lowland leopard frog Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
maintdst   Maintenance Districts - Pima County DOT   SW 20160222  DOC FIELDS
translin   Major Electric Transmission Lines (ALRIS/USGS - Incomplete)   RB 20070111  DOC FIELDS
mineexpl   Major mining regions   JR 20011012  DOC FIELDS
st_maj   Major Streets Plan   ML 20150817  DOC FIELDS
st_majpt   Major Streets Plan (Right-of-Way Exceptions)   ML 20150817  DOC FIELDS
wash_10k   Major Wash Network greater than 10,000 CFS   MBC 8/1/2005  DOC FIELDS
wash_02k   Major wash network greater than 2000 CFS   MBC 8/1/2005  DOC FIELDS
wash_maj   Major Washes in Eastern Pima County   CJ 20120614  DOC FIELDS
fp_mwctl   Major Watercourses Control Line   KM 20140813  DOC FIELDS
fp_mwcps   Major Watercourses Plan Sheets   KM 20130417  DOC FIELDS
fp_mwtxt   Major Watercourses Text Labels   KM 20140813  DOC FIELDS
fp_mwtik   Major Watercourses Tick Marks   KM 20140813  DOC FIELDS
mgtowns   MapGuide Towns   JL 20001221  DOC FIELDS
airmarap   Marana Airport Approach Zones   JD 20050317  DOC FIELDS
airmarin   Marana Airport Influence Zone   JD 20050317  DOC FIELDS
wwm_mar   Marana Wastewater Reclamation Facility Service Area   JD 20200629  DOC FIELDS
marhydro   Maricopa County Hydrography   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
mar_land   Maricopa County Land Ownership   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
mar_trs   Maricopa County PLSS (TRS)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
mar_sts   Maricopa County Streets   SW 20180130  DOC FIELDS
muas   Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs)   CJ 20070601  DOC FIELDS
mercury   Mercury Anomaly for eastern Pima County   JR 20011012  DOC FIELDS
m_mouse   Merriam's mouse Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_mouse   Merriam's mouse Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
mesquite   Mesquite Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
metallic   Metallic Mines and Prospects   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
m_msnake   Mexican garter snake Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_msnake   Mexican garter snake Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
m_mexbat   Mexican long-tongued bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_mexbat   Mexican long-tongued bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
mso_pima   Mexican Spotted Owl Critical Habitat (2004)   CJ 20081017  DOC FIELDS
milemark   Mile Markers - Highways   RB 20120202  DOC FIELDS
azmilemk   Mile Markers Street   SW 20110831  DOC FIELDS
mil_erp   Military Electronic Range Protection   LC 20121129  DOC FIELDS
deposits   Mineral Deposits for eastern Pima County   JR 20011012  DOC FIELDS
mines   Mines   CP 1996  DOC FIELDS
mine_act   Mines - Active   CP 1996  DOC FIELDS
minesbom   Mines of Pima County   JR 20050224  DOC FIELDS
pr_mines   Mining Areas   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
minefqse   Mining Claim Frequency in South Eastern Pima County   KM 20141113  DOC FIELDS
stmisc   Miscellaneous Streets   RB 20100224  DOC FIELDS
moly   Molybdenum Anomalies for eastern Pima County and Santa Cruz County   JR 20011011  DOC FIELDS
fi_mbway   Monarch Butterfly Waystations   CHH 20230911  DOC FIELDS
motels   Motels   JR 20070820  DOC FIELDS
mtnparks   Mountain Parks   JR 20030331  DOC FIELDS
mr_hrall   mr_hr_all   WD 20231205  DOC FIELDS
mr_p_all   mr_p_all   WD 20231205  DOC FIELDS
monlands   MSCP Monitoring Lands   ML 20161214  DOC FIELDS
mscpport   MSCP Portfolio   ML 20161207  DOC FIELDS
permmscp   MSCP Section 10 Permit Area   ML 20220127  DOC FIELDS
mtbsfire   MTBS Wildfires-Burned Area Boundaries 1984 to 2016   EG 20190628  DOC FIELDS
mtbsnumb   MTBS Wildfires-Number of Times Burned 1984 to 2016   EG 20190628  DOC FIELDS
wfmulbpr   Mulberry Fire Burn Perimeter   ML 20170504  DOC FIELDS
mscpgrth   Multi-Species Conservation Plan Urban Growth Model   ML 20091115  DOC FIELDS
muni_pa   Municipal Planning Areas   CP 20090612  DOC FIELDS
elned1pe   National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10m - Eastern Pima County   SW 20040309  DOC FIELDS
elned1tu   National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10m - Tucson Basin   SW 20040309  DOC FIELDS
elned1pw   National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10m - Western Pima County   SW 20041026  DOC FIELDS
elned3pm   National Elevation Dataset (NED) 30m - Pima County   SW 20030703  DOC FIELDS
elned3az   National Elevation Dataset (NED) 30m - State of Arizona   SW 20030703  DOC FIELDS
disthist   National Register of Historic Districts - City of Tucson   MP 20060208  DOC FIELDS
waternws   National Weather Service watersheds   JR 20021202  DOC FIELDS
nwi_tucs   National Wetlands Inventory - Tucson   JR 19960102  DOC FIELDS
nwi_tusw   National Wetlands Inventory - Tucson SW   JR 19960102  DOC FIELDS
natplant   Native Plant Preservation Plans   LC 20150209  DOC FIELDS
nugrass   Native Upland Grassland Special Element   JR 20010613  DOC FIELDS
nrc_dist   Natural Resource Conservation Districts in Arizona   ML 20141102  DOC FIELDS
pk_close   Natural resource, parks, and recreation facilities closures.   JG 20140929  DOC FIELDS
nrcsinde   Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 1936 Aerial Image Index   JT 20090714  DOC FIELDS
opnrc36b   Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 1936 Aerial Photos   RB 2017  DOC FIELDS
navd88   NAVD 1988 Elevation Circuit   SW 200408  DOC FIELDS
m_npcact   Needle-spined pineapple cactus Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_npcact   Needle-spined pineapple cactus Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
nha_city   Neighborhood Associations - City of Tucson   CP 2007  DOC FIELDS
vulindex   Neighborhood Vulnerability in the Tucson Region 2018   ML 20200427  DOC FIELDS
m_thcact   Nichol's turk's head cactus Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_thcact   Nichol's turk's head cactus Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
pavmorat   No Cut Pavement Moratorium   CL 20190312  DOC FIELDS
nofendis   No Fence Districts Boundaries   BS 20150506  DOC FIELDS
non_hpp   Non-Habitat Protection Priority County Held State Grazing Leases   MP 20090908  DOC FIELDS
st_imp   Non-maintained (by Pima County) streets within improvement plans.   SW 20060822  DOC FIELDS
nonmetal   Nonmetal mineral deposits   JR 20020614  DOC FIELDS
bldg_gov   Non-Pima County Government Building Locations in Pima County   SW 20071120  DOC FIELDS
soilrd3   NRCS Average Soil Values   KM 20160808  DOC FIELDS
memasset   NRPR Memorial Assets   SJH 20230615  DOC FIELDS
benches   NRPR Park Benches   EV 20211227  DOC FIELDS
building   NRPR Park Buildings   EV 20211005  DOC FIELDS
picntbl   NRPR Park Picnic Tables   EV 20211206  DOC FIELDS
playgeqp   NRPR Park Playground Equipment   EV 20210412  DOC FIELDS
plgrdmat   NRPR Park Playground Matting   EV 20180611  DOC FIELDS
ramada   NRPR Park Ramadas   EV 20210929  DOC FIELDS
restroom   NRPR Park Restrooms   EV 20210910  DOC FIELDS
sign   NRPR Park Signs   EV 20211227  DOC FIELDS
siteamty   NRPR Park Site Amenities   EV 20211227  DOC FIELDS
recbench   NRPR Recreation Benches   EV 20210607  DOC FIELDS
recbuild   NRPR Recreation Buildings   EV 20210604  DOC FIELDS
combuild   NRPR Recreation Community Buildings   EV 20210714  DOC FIELDS
comcomp   NRPR Recreation Community Center Compounds   EV 20210329  DOC FIELDS
commctr   NRPR Recreation Community Centers   EV 20210707  DOC FIELDS
recgates   NRPR Recreation Gates   EV 20200713  DOC FIELDS
recgnrck   NRPR Recreation Gun Racks   EV 20210603  DOC FIELDS
recpctbl   NRPR Recreation Picnic Tables   EV 20210604  DOC FIELDS
poolcomp   NRPR Recreation Pool Compounds   EV 20210316  DOC FIELDS
recrmada   NRPR Recreation Ramadas   EV 20210628  DOC FIELDS
recrstrm   NRPR Recreation Restrooms   EV 20210604  DOC FIELDS
recsigns   NRPR Recreation Signs   EV 20210604  DOC FIELDS
recsitam   NRPR Recreation Site Amenities   EV 20210607  DOC FIELDS
pooldkeq   NRPR Recreation Swimming Pool Deck Equipment   EV 20210609  DOC FIELDS
pooldeck   NRPR Recreation Swimming Pool Decks   EV 20210609  DOC FIELDS
poolstam   NRPR Recreation Swimming Pool Site Amenities   EV 20200914  DOC FIELDS
rectargt   NRPR Recreation Targets   EV 20210604  DOC FIELDS
rpbench   NRPR River Park Benches   EV 20211227  DOC FIELDS
rpbuildg   NRPR River Park Buildings   EV 20210722  DOC FIELDS
rppictbl   NRPR River Park Picnic Tables   EV 20210422  DOC FIELDS
rpplygeq   NRPR River Park Playground Equipment   EV 20170911  DOC FIELDS
rpplygrd   NRPR River Park Playgrounds   EV 20160420  DOC FIELDS
rpramada   NRPR River Park Ramadas   EV 20210820  DOC FIELDS
rprestrm   NRPR River Park Restrooms   EV 20180713  DOC FIELDS
rpsign   NRPR River Park Signs   EV 20211227  DOC FIELDS
rpsiteam   NRPR River Park Site Amenities   EV 20210629  DOC FIELDS
amphibs   Number of Amphibian Species   FM 19991101  DOC FIELDS
oakeco   Oak Scrub Grassland Ecotone Special Element   JR 20001023  DOC FIELDS
pr_ohv   Off-Highway vehicle locations   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
pr_orv   Off-Road vehicle areas   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
observat   Optical Observatories (Telescopes)   MP 20100512  DOC FIELDS
wforahpr   Oracle Hill Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
m_osnake   Organ Pipe shovelnose snake Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_osnake   Organ Pipe shovelnose snake Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
opurb74b   Orthophoto Urban Area 1974   RB 20170811  DOC FIELDS
oscincob   OSC Incidental Observations   PJ 20180216  DOC FIELDS
othergw   Other Shallow Groundwater Areas   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
othwells   Other Water Wells   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
outazwat   Outstanding Arizona Waters (OAWs)   EG 20170703  DOC FIELDS
opms_ref   PAG 1998 Orthophoto Grid - Multispectral   SW 199804  DOC FIELDS
oppag98i   PAG 1998 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 20030320  DOC FIELDS
flt_data   PAG 1998 Orthophoto Scene Centroids   SW 20000620  DOC FIELDS
oppag98b   PAG 1998 Orthophotos - Grayscale   SW 199805  DOC FIELDS
oppag98c   PAG 1998 Orthophotos - Multispectral   SW 199805  DOC FIELDS
topohpgn   PAG 1998 Topography - 2 foot contours   JL 20030701  DOC FIELDS
oppag00i   PAG 2000 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 20030320  DOC FIELDS
oppag00b   PAG 2000 Orthophotos - Grayscale   SW 2000  DOC FIELDS
oppag02i   PAG 2002 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 20030429  DOC FIELDS
oppag02b   PAG 2002 Orthophotos - Grayscale   SW 2002  DOC FIELDS
oppag02c   PAG 2002 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 2002  DOC FIELDS
oppag05i   PAG 2005 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 20060127  DOC FIELDS
oppag05d   PAG 2005 Orthophoto Project Image Dates   SW 20080313  DOC FIELDS
oppag05c   PAG 2005 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 2005  DOC FIELDS
cn_pag05   PAG 2005 Topography - 2 foot contours   SW 20060630  DOC FIELDS
oppag08i   PAG 2008 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 2008  DOC FIELDS
oppag08d   PAG 2008 Orthophoto Project Image Dates   SW 20090210  DOC FIELDS
oppag08c   PAG 2008 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 200805  DOC FIELDS
oppag11i   PAG 2011 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 2011  DOC FIELDS
oppag11c   PAG 2011 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 201104  DOC FIELDS
oppag15a   PAG 2015 Orthophoto Project Area Index   JD 2011  DOC FIELDS
oppag15c   PAG 2015 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 201104  DOC FIELDS
oppag17c   PAG 2017 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 20230316  DOC FIELDS
oppag19c   PAG 2019 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 20201113  DOC FIELDS
oppag21i   PAG 2021 Orthophoto Project Area Index   SW 20210301  DOC FIELDS
oppag21c   PAG 2021 Orthophotos - Multispec   SW 20210301  DOC FIELDS
paglduse   PAG Land Use Model - 2006   CJ 20080417  DOC FIELDS
bldg2008   PAG Ortho2008 Buildings   SW 2008  DOC FIELDS
oppagndx   PAG Orthophoto Project Index   SW 20170927  DOC FIELDS
cn_t11   PAG topographic contours for Township 11S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t12   PAG topographic contours for Township 12S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t13   PAG topographic contours for Township 13S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t14   PAG topographic contours for Township 14S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t15   PAG topographic contours for Township 15S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t16   PAG topographic contours for Township 16S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t17   PAG topographic contours for Township 17S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t18   PAG topographic contours for Township 18S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
cn_t19   PAG topographic contours for Township 19S   SW 20101004  DOC FIELDS
m_ptbat   Pale Townsend's big-eared bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
m_ptbat2   Pale Townsend's big-eared bat Habitat Model - MapGuide Version   JR 20131127  DOC FIELDS
ptbat_m   Pale Townsend's big-eared bat Habitat Model - Marana   CJ 20070613  DOC FIELDS
p_ptbat   Pale Townsend's big-eared bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
pv_mcact   Paloverde Mixed Cacti Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
clay   Pantano Clay District   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
pancon   Pantano Planimetric Contours   KM 20140814  DOC FIELDS
oppan08c   Pantano Wash 2008 Multispec Orthophotos   KM 20090105  DOC FIELDS
topopapr   Paper Topographic map availability   RB 20070328  DOC FIELDS
taxlines   Parcel - Lines Regional (With Tax Codes)   JA 20190711  DOC FIELDS
p_access   Parcel Access - Historical   SW 20050712  DOC FIELDS
adparcel   Parcel Addresses   JA Daily  DOC FIELDS
parcelpt   Parcel centroids   JA Daily  DOC FIELDS
pa_inter   Parcel Interior Areas   SW Daily  DOC FIELDS
ptax2020   Parcel tax areas - 2020   SW 20201030  DOC FIELDS
ptax2021   Parcel tax areas - 2021   SW 20210212  DOC FIELDS
ptax2022   Parcel tax areas - 2022   SW 20230221  DOC FIELDS
ptax2023   Parcel tax areas - 2023   SW 20240130  DOC FIELDS
pa_voids   Parcel Voids   CJ Weekly  DOC FIELDS
paregion   Parcels - Regional   RH Daily  DOC FIELDS
txregion   Parcels - Regional (Tax Code Only)   JA 2018  DOC FIELDS
acq04_q1   Parcels acquired under 2004 Bond Program Question 1   CP 20041206  DOC FIELDS
parkride   Park and Ride Lot Locations   SW 20100611  DOC FIELDS
park_rec   Parks and Recreational Areas   AJ 20210113  DOC FIELDS
pdlibnd   Paseo de las Iglesias Project Area   RB 20040205  DOC FIELDS
steop   PC Edge Of Roadway   GS 20200915  DOC FIELDS
pcgpraqm   PCGPR Acquisition Deeds and Leases - Merged   HM 20140304  DOC FIELDS
pcgpr1ft   PCGPR One Foot Access Control and No Access Easements   SB 20230101  DOC FIELDS
pcgprrlm   PCGPR Relinquishment Deeds - Merged   HM 20140304  DOC FIELDS
pcgprsbm   PCGPR Subdivision data Recorded by Plat - Merged   HM 20140304  DOC FIELDS
nlcd16im   Percent Developed Imperviousness-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190808  DOC FIELDS
pernnial   Perennial Streams   JR 1993  DOC FIELDS
pstreams   Perennial Streams - PAG   FM 20040819  DOC FIELDS
pstreamb   Perennial Streams with 300 Foot Buffer Special Element   JR 20050228  DOC FIELDS
pr_pcnic   Picnic Areas   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
pt06oth   Pictometry 2006 DRG Image Areas   JD 20081114  DOC FIELDS
pt06nob   Pictometry 2006 Neighborhood Oblique Photo Areas   JD 2008  DOC FIELDS
pt06nor   Pictometry 2006 Orthophoto Areas   JD 20081110  DOC FIELDS
pt06sor   Pictometry 2006 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20081110  DOC FIELDS
oppt06c   Pictometry 2006 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 2006  DOC FIELDS
pt06area   Pictometry 2006 Project Area   JD 20081205  DOC FIELDS
pt08sor1   Pictometry 2008 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20081114  DOC FIELDS
pt08oth   Pictometry 2008 DRG Image Areas   JD 20081114  DOC FIELDS
pt08nob   Pictometry 2008 Neighborhood Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20081110  DOC FIELDS
pt08nor   Pictometry 2008 Orthophoto Photo Areas   JD 20081114  DOC FIELDS
pt08sor4   Pictometry 2008 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20081114  DOC FIELDS
oppt08c   Pictometry 2008 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 200805  DOC FIELDS
pt08area   Pictometry 2008 Project Area   JD 20081205  DOC FIELDS
pt08nsct   Pictometry 2008 Project Neighborhood Sectors   JD 20091107  DOC FIELDS
pt10sor1   Pictometry 2010 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20100706  DOC FIELDS
pt10oth   Pictometry 2010 DRG Image Areas   JD 20100701  DOC FIELDS
pt10nob   Pictometry 2010 Neighborhood Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20100701  DOC FIELDS
pt10nor   Pictometry 2010 Orthophoto Areas   JD 20100701  DOC FIELDS
pt10sor4   Pictometry 2010 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20100706  DOC FIELDS
oppt10c   Pictometry 2010 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 201007  DOC FIELDS
pt10area   Pictometry 2010 Project Area   JD 20100401  DOC FIELDS
pt10nsct   Pictometry 2010 Project Neighborhood Sectors   JD 20100714  DOC FIELDS
pt12sor1   Pictometry 2012 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20120623  DOC FIELDS
pt12oth   Pictometry 2012 DRG Image Areas   JD 20120702  DOC FIELDS
pt12nob   Pictometry 2012 Neighborhood Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20120702  DOC FIELDS
pt12nor   Pictometry 2012 Orthophoto Areas   JD 20120702  DOC FIELDS
pt12sor4   Pictometry 2012 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20120711  DOC FIELDS
oppt12c   Pictometry 2012 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 201207  DOC FIELDS
pt12area   Pictometry 2012 Project Area   JD 20120224  DOC FIELDS
pt12nsct   Pictometry 2012 Project Neighborhood Sectors   JD 20120224  DOC FIELDS
pt14sor1   Pictometry 2014 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20140623  DOC FIELDS
pt14oth   Pictometry 2014 DRG Image Areas   JD 20140702  DOC FIELDS
pt14nob   Pictometry 2014 Neighborhood Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20140702  DOC FIELDS
pt14nor   Pictometry 2014 Orthophoto Areas   JD 20140702  DOC FIELDS
pt14sor4   Pictometry 2014 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20140623  DOC FIELDS
oppt14c   Pictometry 2014 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 201406  DOC FIELDS
pt14area   Pictometry 2014 Project Area   JD 20140425  DOC FIELDS
pt14nsct   Pictometry 2014 Project Neighborhood Sectors   JD 20140425  DOC FIELDS
pt16sor1   Pictometry 2016 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16sor3   Pictometry 2016 3 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16nob   Pictometry 2016 3-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16nor   Pictometry 2016 3-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16sor9   Pictometry 2016 9 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16cob   Pictometry 2016 9-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16cor   Pictometry 2016 9-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16oth   Pictometry 2016 DRG Image Areas   JD 20160630  DOC FIELDS
pt16so39   Pictometry 2016 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20160712  DOC FIELDS
oppt16c   Pictometry 2016 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 201606  DOC FIELDS
pt16area   Pictometry 2016 Project Area   JD 20160715  DOC FIELDS
pt16nsct   Pictometry 2016 Project Sectors   JD 20160714  DOC FIELDS
pt18sor1   Pictometry 2018 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18sor3   Pictometry 2018 3 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18nob   Pictometry 2018 3-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18nor   Pictometry 2018 3-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18sor9   Pictometry 2018 9 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18cob   Pictometry 2018 9-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18cor   Pictometry 2018 9-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18so39   Pictometry 2018 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20180612  DOC FIELDS
oppt18c   Pictometry 2018 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 20180606  DOC FIELDS
pt18area   Pictometry 2018 Project Area   JD 20180502  DOC FIELDS
pt18nsct   Pictometry 2018 Project Sectors   JD 20180430  DOC FIELDS
pt20sor1   Pictometry 2020 1 meter Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20200922  DOC FIELDS
pt20sor3   Pictometry 2020 3 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20200922  DOC FIELDS
pt20nob   Pictometry 2020 3-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
pt20nor   Pictometry 2020 3-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
pt20dnob   Pictometry 2020 4-inch Oblique Photo Area Extent   JD 20210111  DOC FIELDS
pt20sor9   Pictometry 2020 9 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20200922  DOC FIELDS
pt20dcob   Pictometry 2020 9-inch Oblique Photo Area Extent   JD 20210111  DOC FIELDS
pt20cob   Pictometry 2020 9-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
pt20cor   Pictometry 2020 9-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
pb20sor6   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire 6 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20201208  DOC FIELDS
pb20dnob   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire 6-inch Oblique Photo Area Extent   JD 20210111  DOC FIELDS
pb20nob   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire 6-inch Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20201208  DOC FIELDS
pb20nor   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire 6-inch Orthophoto Areas   JD 20201208  DOC FIELDS
oppb20c   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 20201208  DOC FIELDS
pb20area   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire Project Area   JD 20201006  DOC FIELDS
pb20grid   Pictometry 2020 Bighorn Fire Project Grid Cells   JD 20201006  DOC FIELDS
pt20so39   Pictometry 2020 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
oppt20c   Pictometry 2020 Orthophotos - Multispec   JL 20200823  DOC FIELDS
pt20area   Pictometry 2020 Project Area   JD 20200401  DOC FIELDS
pt20grid   Pictometry 2020 Project Grid Cells   JD 20200929  DOC FIELDS
pt22sor2   Pictometry 2022 2 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22ec2   Pictometry 2022 2-inch ECW file areas   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22sor6   Pictometry 2022 6 inch Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22ec6   Pictometry 2022 6-inch ECW file areas   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22ecc   Pictometry 2022 Combined 2-inch/6-inch ECW file areas   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22nob   Pictometry 2022 Oblique Photo Areas   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22nor   Pictometry 2022 Orthophoto Areas   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22so26   Pictometry 2022 Orthophoto Tiles   JD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
oppt22c   Pictometry 2022 Orthophotos - Multispec   JLD 20220617  DOC FIELDS
pt22dnob   Pictometry 2022 Photo Area Extent   JD 20220623  DOC FIELDS
pt22area   Pictometry 2022 Project Area   JD 20220321  DOC FIELDS
pt22grid   Pictometry 2022 Project Grid Cells   JD 20220321  DOC FIELDS
pt24sor3   Pictometry 2024 3 inch Orthophoto Tiles   SJH 20220522  DOC FIELDS
pt24sor6   Pictometry 2024 6 inch Orthophoto Tiles   SJH 20220522  DOC FIELDS
pt24so36   Pictometry 2024 Orthophoto Tiles   SJH 20240726  DOC FIELDS
pt_grid   Pictometry Project Base Grid   JD 20200128  DOC FIELDS
ptnsects   Pictometry Sector Grid   JD 20151015  DOC FIELDS
litecode   Pima County 2012 Outdoor Lighting Code   SW 20120210  DOC FIELDS
adjwater   Pima County Adjudicated Surface Water Rights   MP 20110303  DOC FIELDS
precipjo   Pima County annual average precipitation for Jul-Oct, units cm   RB 20050404  DOC FIELDS
precipmj   Pima County annual average precipitation for Mar-Jun, units cm   RB 20050404  DOC FIELDS
precipnf   Pima County annual average precipitation for Nov-Feb, units cm   RB 20050404  DOC FIELDS
pr_nodog   Pima County areas where no dogs are allowed   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
leaguebb   Pima County Baseball and Softball Little League Boundaries   RB 20160506  DOC FIELDS
basemap   Pima County Basemap Grid   LC 20190122  DOC FIELDS
pima_all   Pima County Boundary   SW 20100802  DOC FIELDS
epc   Pima County Boundary - East of Tohono O'Odham Nation   JR 20080822  DOC FIELDS
pima_05e   Pima County Boundary - East through R05E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_06e   Pima County Boundary - East through R06E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_07e   Pima County Boundary - East through R07E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_08e   Pima County Boundary - East through R08E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_09e   Pima County Boundary - East through R09E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_10e   Pima County Boundary - East through R10E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
pima_11e   Pima County Boundary - East through R11E   CP 1997  DOC FIELDS
wpc   Pima County Boundary - West of Tohono O'odham Nation   JR 20021029  DOC FIELDS
pimawest   Pima County Boundary - West through 3W   MP 20000427  DOC FIELDS
bld_out   Pima County Building Outlines   KM 20110419  DOC FIELDS
colonias   Pima County Colonias   FM 20180501  DOC FIELDS
adr_full   Pima County combined address points   CJ 20210615  DOC FIELDS
cdbg_ta   Pima County Community Development Block Grant Target Areas   JD 20170214  DOC FIELDS
cpgrowth   Pima County Comprehensive Plan Growth Areas   AJ 20190125  DOC FIELDS
brnfield   Pima County EPA Brownfields Target Area   JD 20170119  DOC FIELDS
raingage   Pima County FCD Volunteer Rain Gage Locations   CP 20010404  DOC FIELDS
geology   Pima County Geology   CP 1992  DOC FIELDS
bldgpima   Pima County Government Buildings and Facilities   SW 20220323  DOC FIELDS
hgbasin2   Pima County Hydrogeologic Subbasins   CJ 20070601  DOC FIELDS
hgbasin1   Pima County Hydrogeologic Subbasins (Alluvium & Bedrock)   CJ 20070904  DOC FIELDS
jted_11   Pima County Joint Technical Education District #11   EG 20220606  DOC FIELDS
pimaown   Pima County Land Ownership - ALRIS   RB 20161021  DOC FIELDS
agfd_box   Pima County NRPR Arizona Game & Fish Department Sign-in Boxes   EV 20211104  DOC FIELDS
hrdscape   Pima County NRPR Hardscape   MC 20211129  DOC FIELDS
inv_ln   Pima County NRPR Invasive Plants Lines   MC 20220118  DOC FIELDS
inv_pt   Pima County NRPR Invasive Plants Points   MC 20220202  DOC FIELDS
inv_poly   Pima County NRPR Invasive Plants Polygons   MC 20220126  DOC FIELDS
nrbench   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Benches   CHH 20211021  DOC FIELDS
nrbuildg   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Buildings   CHH 20220208  DOC FIELDS
campsite   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Camp Site Polygons   CHH 20180705  DOC FIELDS
nrelcsys   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Electrical Systems   CHH 20220208  DOC FIELDS
nrelemts   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Elements   CHH 20210209  DOC FIELDS
nrfenjct   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Fence Junctions   MC 20211210  DOC FIELDS
nrfence   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Fences   MC 20220114  DOC FIELDS
gatesrop   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Gates   CHH 20220217  DOC FIELDS
nrirrln   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Irrigation Lines   CHH 20220201  DOC FIELDS
nrirrsys   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Irrigation Systems   CHH 20210208  DOC FIELDS
nrlghtsy   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Lighting Systems   CHH 20201110  DOC FIELDS
nrothutl   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Other Utilities   CHH 20220127  DOC FIELDS
nrparkng   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Parking Areas   CHH 20210616  DOC FIELDS
nrpictbl   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Picnic Tables   CHH 20211014  DOC FIELDS
raingaug   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Rain Gauges   EV 20211217  DOC FIELDS
nrrestrm   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Restrooms   CHH 20220201  DOC FIELDS
nrsigns   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Signs   CHH 20220119  DOC FIELDS
nrsiteam   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Site Amenities   CHH 20211129  DOC FIELDS
nrswingt   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Swing Gates   MC 2022  DOC FIELDS
trhdpoly   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Trailhead Polygons   MC 20210629  DOC FIELDS
nrundrgs   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Underground Waste Systems   CHH 20220126  DOC FIELDS
nrwatsys   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Water Systems   CHH 20220208  DOC FIELDS
wldcatdp   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Wildcat Dumping   MC 20210709  DOC FIELDS
viewstn   Pima County NRPR Natural Resources Wildlife Viewing Stations   MC 20201123  DOC FIELDS
adr_pima   Pima County Official Address Points   CJ 20240722  DOC FIELDS
oppzones   Pima County Opportunity Zones   AJ 20181220  DOC FIELDS
pc_opus   Pima County OPUS Control Points   CJ 20160306  DOC FIELDS
ranchbnd   Pima County Owned Ranch Boundaries   MP 20090112  DOC FIELDS
min_pima   Pima County owned subsurface parcels   SW 20130905  DOC FIELDS
playgrnd   Pima County Play Grounds   EV 20170824  DOC FIELDS
popsites   Pima County Popular Attractions   SW 20120214  DOC FIELDS
proop   Pima County Property Rights Outside of Pima   LMJ 20160715  DOC FIELDS
rezon   Pima County Rezoning   LC 20150416  DOC FIELDS
impactal   Pima County Roadway Development Impact Fee Benefit Areas Outer Extents   MP 20100104  DOC FIELDS
impactfe   Pima County Roadway Development Impact Fee Service Areas   CHH 20210114  DOC FIELDS
pcsdzone   Pima County Sheriff Patrol Zones   KJ 20220603  DOC FIELDS
pimasoil   Pima County Soils   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
plycourt   Pima County Sports/Play Courts   RB 20180702  DOC FIELDS
plyfield   Pima County Sports/Play Fields   RB 20180307  DOC FIELDS
pimatown   Pima County Town Sites   SW 1995  DOC FIELDS
m_ppcact   Pima pineapple cactus Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_ppcact   Pima pineapple cactus Priority Conservation Areas   JR 20090819  DOC FIELDS
pinalcen   Pinal County Census Blocks 2000   MP 20061212  DOC FIELDS
pinalgeo   Pinal County Geology   SW 20030910  DOC FIELDS
pinalhyd   Pinal County Hydrography   SW 20021104  DOC FIELDS
pinallnd   Pinal County Land Ownership - Land Descriptions   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
pinalown   Pinal County Land Ownership - pinallnd sourced   JR 20020917  DOC FIELDS
pin_parp   Pinal County Parcel Polygons   JA 20160309  DOC FIELDS
pinaltr   Pinal County PLSS (TR)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
pinaltrs   Pinal County PLSS (TRS)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
pin_addr   Pinal County Situs Addresses   JA 20160309  DOC FIELDS
pinalspg   Pinal County springs.   SW 20030910  DOC FIELDS
pin_stcl   Pinal County Street Centerlines   JA 20160309  DOC FIELDS
pinalsts   Pinal County Streets   JA 20160309  DOC FIELDS
pin_subd   Pinal County Subdivisions   JA 20160309  DOC FIELDS
pin_zipc   Pinal County Zip Codes   JA 20190916  DOC FIELDS
cen_cdp   Places and Census Designated Places - 2000   JR 2001  DOC FIELDS
cen10cdp   Places and Census Designated Places--2010   EG 20130321  DOC FIELDS
stplnd   Planned Streets   RH 20100301  DOC FIELDS
trs   PLSS Section Boundaries   SW 20161219  DOC FIELDS
trs_adde   PLSS Section Boundaries with address ranges   SW 20161219  DOC FIELDS
trsln   PLSS Section Boundary Lines   SW 20161219  DOC FIELDS
tr   PLSS Township Boundaries   SW 20110118  DOC FIELDS
trln   PLSS Township Boundary Lines   SW 20110118  DOC FIELDS
modcult   Points of Interest   RB 20240116  DOC FIELDS
police   Police Stations   AJ 20220224  DOC FIELDS
stargaz   Popular star gazing sites   EK 20030129  DOC FIELDS
port_tuc   Port of Tucson   CP 20120817  DOC FIELDS
postoffi   Post Office Sites   RH 20231221  DOC FIELDS
transfac   Power substation facilities   RB 20040525  DOC FIELDS
precip   Precipitation - Annual   MP 20000211  DOC FIELDS
stprim   Primitive Roads   SW 20030530  DOC FIELDS
ranch   Private Ranch Lands   JR 20061206  DOC FIELDS
dch_yell   Proposed 2020 Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Critical Habitat   ML 20200928  DOC FIELDS
pch_cuko   Proposed Critical Habitat for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo   ML 20200402  DOC FIELDS
i11   Proposed Interstate 11 Alternative Alignments   ML 20171215  DOC FIELDS
owlfws02   Proposed Pygmy-owl Critical Habitat   JR 20021127  DOC FIELDS
tortprop   Proposed Tortolita Preserve   CJ 20070612  DOC FIELDS
preserve   Protected Lands of Pima County   EG 20240125  DOC FIELDS
prot_bnd   Protected Lands of Pima County - Subset   RB 20101206  DOC FIELDS
p_scorp   Pseudoscorpion Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
papubprv   Public or Private Parcels   JA 20170411  DOC FIELDS
owlsurvs   Pygmy-Owl Survey Zones   MP 20010202  DOC FIELDS
quad_15   Quads - USGS 15 Minute Quadrangle Map Index   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
quadusgs   Quads - USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map Index   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
quad75qq   Quads - USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Quarter Quad Map Index   SW 20021120  DOC FIELDS
drgin250   Quads - USGS Arizona 1 deg. lat x 2 deg. lon 1:250,000 Quadrangle Map Index   JD 20021122  DOC FIELDS
imdr2nnb   Quads - USGS Arizona 1 deg. lat x 2 deg. lon 1:250,000 Quadrangle Maps   JD 20021112  DOC FIELDS
drgin100   Quads - USGS Arizona 30 x 60 Minute 1:100,000 Quadrangle Map Index   JD 20021122  DOC FIELDS
imdr1nnb   Quads - USGS Arizona 30 x 60 Minute 1:100,000 Quadrangle Maps   JD 20021112  DOC FIELDS
drgin24   Quads - USGS Arizona 7.5 Minute 1:24,000 Quadrangle Map Index   JD 20021122  DOC FIELDS
imdr7nnb   Quads - USGS Arizona 7.5 Minute 1:24,000 Quadrangle Maps   JD 20021122  DOC FIELDS
buftrnst   Quarter mile buffer of Bus Stops In Service as of February 15 2017.   SW 20170215  DOC FIELDS
tipbufqm   Quarter mile buffer of PAG 2017-2021 Transportation Improvement Plan.   SW 20170307  DOC FIELDS
rrbufqm   Quarter mile buffer of Union Pacific main lines.   SW 20170215  DOC FIELDS
railroad   Railroads   SW 20161602  DOC FIELDS
ranches   Ranch Boundaries   MP 20000309  DOC FIELDS
ranchcon   Ranch Land Conservation Potential   MP 20000629  DOC FIELDS
ranchuse   Ranch Use Parcels   MP 20070612  DOC FIELDS
i11_rec   Recommended alt I-11 Intermountain West Corridor   CP 20190520  DOC FIELDS
rpp_appl   Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Act Requests   JD 20090824  DOC FIELDS
pr_prosp   Recreational Prospecting   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
rcsheltr   Red Cross Shelters   FM 20080410  DOC FIELDS
m_rdwhip   Redback whiptail Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_rdwhip   Redback whiptail Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
rfpt500   Reference Points - 500-foot   SW 20050405  DOC FIELDS
grwtarea   Regional growth areas   JR 20020224  DOC FIELDS
rwrdanno   Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department Annotation   VW 20120110  DOC FIELDS
fp_dschg   Regulatory Discharge Points   KM 20111220  DOC FIELDS
spr05fc2   Regulatory Springs   ML 20000101  DOC FIELDS
dsd_rca   Reserve Conservation Areas   MP 20080312  DOC FIELDS
rca_cls   Reserve Conservation Areas with CLS Classifications   MP 20080722  DOC FIELDS
perm_all   Residential Building Permits - All Jurisdictions   ML 20100121  DOC FIELDS
fp_renew   Restoration Projects - Renewable   KM 20140429  DOC FIELDS
pr_l1   Restricted Peaks and Ridges Level 1   CP 20090924  DOC FIELDS
pr_l2   Restricted Peaks and Ridges Level 2   CP 20080424  DOC FIELDS
complain   RFCD Drainage Complaints   KM 200702  DOC FIELDS
fi_fprmt   RFCD Facility Impact Permit Areas   JA 20181129  DOC FIELDS
fcd_stru   RFCD Flood Control Structures   SW 1996  DOC FIELDS
permit   RFCD Floodplain Use Permits   KM 200702  DOC FIELDS
violatio   RFCD Floodplain Violations   KM 200702  DOC FIELDS
fpgbgrid   RFCD Grid-based Aerial Photo Grids   JD 20191231  DOC FIELDS
fpgbfoto   RFCD Grid-based Aerial Photo Sections   JD 20191231  DOC FIELDS
fi_acces   RFCD Infrastructure Access Routes   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_locat   RFCD Infrastructure Asset Locations   KM 20110727  DOC FIELDS
fi_bnkpt   RFCD Infrastructure Bank Protection   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_bxcul   RFCD Infrastructure Box Culverts   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_brdge   RFCD Infrastructure Bridges   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_culvt   RFCD Infrastructure Culverts   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_dam   RFCD Infrastructure Dams   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_strcp   RFCD Infrastructure Detention and Retention Basins   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_drpst   RFCD Infrastructure Drop Structures   KM 20110505  DOC FIELDS
fi_facil   RFCD Infrastructure Facilities   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fi_gdcnt   RFCD Infrastructure Grade Control Structures   KM 20080326  DOC FIELDS
fi_photo   RFCD Infrastructure Photo Documentation Points   KM 20080728  DOC FIELDS
fi_land   RFCD Infrastructure Property   KM 20110727  DOC FIELDS
fi_splwy   RFCD Infrastructure Spillways   KM 20080326  DOC FIELDS
fi_tshrk   RFCD Infrastructure Trash Racks   KM 20070214  DOC FIELDS
fp_invas   RFCD Invasive Plant Mapping   KM 20100216  DOC FIELDS
fp_leha   RFCD Local Erosion Hazard Areas   KM 20180507  DOC FIELDS
fcd_tran   RFCD Natural Resource Transects   KM 20140610  DOC FIELDS
fp_oth   RFCD Other Study Areas   KM 20180507  DOC FIELDS
parfcd_q   RFCD Parcels - Questionable   SW 20070417  DOC FIELDS
parfcd_v   RFCD Parcels - Verified   SW 20070417  DOC FIELDS
fi_408pr   RFCD Project Subject to COE 408 Permitting   KM 20180515  DOC FIELDS
fp_sdgvl   RFCD Sand and Gravel Permits   KM 20100126  DOC FIELDS
opril07c   Rillito River 2007 Multispec Orthophotos   JL 2007  DOC FIELDS
opril02c   Rillito Wash 2002 Multispec Orthophotos   JL 2002  DOC FIELDS
opmed03b   Rio Medio 2003 Grayscale Orthophotos   JL 2003  DOC FIELDS
rionuevo   Rio Nuevo Business District   SW 20021126  DOC FIELDS
rip99fc1   Riparian and Hydromeso Habitats, 1999 FC1   JR 1994  DOC FIELDS
rip05fc2   Riparian classifications, 2005 FC2   KM 20070530  DOC FIELDS
fp_restr   Riparian Restoration Projects   ML 20071010  DOC FIELDS
hmilemrk   River Park Half Mile Markers   EV 20180601  DOC FIELDS
milemrk   River Park Mile Markers   EV 20170601  DOC FIELDS
milestpt   River Park Mile Markers Starting Points   EV 20170601  DOC FIELDS
qmilemrk   River Park Quarter Mile Markers   EV 20170601  DOC FIELDS
rd_dens   Road Density   MP 19991227  DOC FIELDS
rdmaint   Roads Accepted for Maintenance   EV 20081230  DOC FIELDS
dotsenld   Roadway Sensitive Lands   SW 20190206  DOC FIELDS
stadtpag   Roadway Traffic Counts - PAG   SW 20160104  DOC FIELDS
pr_clbst   Rock Climbing Sites   RB 20041001  DOC FIELDS
wfrdchpr   Rodeo-Chediski Fire Burn Perimeter   FM 20031022  DOC FIELDS
peisbarr   Rosemont Barrel Footprint (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
peisbtrl   Rosemont Barrel Trail Footprint (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
peisbstr   Rosemont Booster Stations (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
rosecont   Rosemont Contours   ML 20120925  DOC FIELDS
rosedhol   Rosemont Drill Holes   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
roseelec   Rosemont Electric Preferred Transmission   ML 20220802  DOC FIELDS
rosehist   Rosemont Historic Mining Activity   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
rospline   Rosemont Mine - Electric Supply Line   ML 20100801  DOC FIELDS
rosemont   Rosemont Mine - Proposed Location July 2007   JR 20070717  DOC FIELDS
rosewfld   Rosemont Mine - Sahuarita Well Fields   ML 20100801  DOC FIELDS
roswline   Rosemont Mine - Water Supply Line   ML 20100801  DOC FIELDS
rosgeoln   Rosemont Mine Geology (Lines)   ML 20101027  DOC FIELDS
rosgeopt   Rosemont Mine Geology (Points)   ML 20101027  DOC FIELDS
rosgeopg   Rosemont Mine Geology (Polygons)   ML 20101027  DOC FIELDS
roseland   Rosemont Mine Land Position   ML 20111025  DOC FIELDS
rose_pit   Rosemont Mine Pit - Common to all DEIS Action Alternatives   ML 20100801  DOC FIELDS
wellprot   Rosemont Mine Well Protection Program Area   MP 20110718  DOC FIELDS
minerose   Rosemont Mining Claims in SE Pima County   KM 20141113  DOC FIELDS
rose_mit   Rosemont Mitigation Lands   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
peisphse   Rosemont Phased Tailings Footprint (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
peisprop   Rosemont Proposed Action Footprint (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
peisschl   Rosemont Scholefield Footprint (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
rosetank   Rosemont Stock Tanks   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
peisutrd   Rosemont Utility/Secondary Access Road (PEIS)   ML 20130718  DOC FIELDS
rosewmon   Rosemont Water Quality Monitoring Stations   ML 20190617  DOC FIELDS
drawdown   Rosemont Wellfield Drawdown Area at 20 years - Approximate   MP 20110718  DOC FIELDS
m_sparro   Rufous-winged sparrow Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_sparro   Rufous-winged sparrow Priority Conservation Area   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
hisrural   Rural Historic Landscapes   MP 20030612  DOC FIELDS
sacaton   Sacaton Grasslands Special Element   JR 20020628  DOC FIELDS
scr_accs   Safe Physical Access to Flowing River   ML 20161227  DOC FIELDS
saguaros   Saguaro locations, City of Tucson   JR 20080326  DOC FIELDS
saltbush   Saltbush Special Element   JR 20020403  DOC FIELDS
spcons   San Pedro Conservation Strategies   JR 20000308  DOC FIELDS
spconzn   San Pedro Conservation Zones   JR 20000308  DOC FIELDS
sxmzone   San Xavier Mission Historic Zone   LC 20131010  DOC FIELDS
wwm_sn   Sanitary Sewer Network   SW Daily  DOC FIELDS
wwm_snbs   Sanitary Sewer Network Area for Arizona Blue Stake   JD Daily  DOC FIELDS
wwm_mh   Sanitary Sewer Structures   SW Daily  DOC FIELDS
scc_hydr   Santa Cruz County Hydrography   SW 20021104  DOC FIELDS
scc_land   Santa Cruz County Land Ownership   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
scc_trs   Santa Cruz County PLSS (TRS)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
scc_sts   Santa Cruz County Streets   SW 20021104  DOC FIELDS
santacon   Santa Cruz Planimetric Contours   KM 20140814  DOC FIELDS
opscr07c   Santa Cruz River 2007 Multispec Orthophotos   JL 2007  DOC FIELDS
opscr08c   Santa Cruz River 2008 Multispec Orthophotos   KM 20090709  DOC FIELDS
scvnha   Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area   ML 20070709  DOC FIELDS
srer_bnd   Santa Rita Experimental Range Boundary   ML 20090126  DOC FIELDS
wfsawmpr   Sawmill Fire Burn Perimeter   ML 20170504  DOC FIELDS
scama   SCAMA (Santa Cruz Active Management Area)   RB 20050526  DOC FIELDS
st_scn   Scenic Routes Plan   ML 20150817  DOC FIELDS
schatbnd   School Attendance Areas   AJ 20210914  DOC FIELDS
schcswlk   School Crosswalks   CL 20160301  DOC FIELDS
schoolds   School Districts   AJ 20220523  DOC FIELDS
schools   Schools   AJ 20231215  DOC FIELDS
tnc_mod   Scope and Intensity of Land-Use Modification in Pima County   ML 20190820  DOC FIELDS
ccimpact   Section 10 Certificate of Coverage Areas   SW 20210218  DOC FIELDS
sct10mit   Section 10 Mitigation Lands   SW 20140625  DOC FIELDS
prjimpct   Section 10 Project Impacts   SW 20210325  DOC FIELDS
se404mit   Section 404 Mitigation Lands   FM 20040714  DOC FIELDS
aztrs   Section Boundaries   SW 20021220  DOC FIELDS
trs4   Section Boundaries - Quartered   SW 20161219  DOC FIELDS
cbrfcbas   Selected Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) Model Surface Basins   EG 20170525  DOC FIELDS
rwr_blue   Sewer Connections for Blue Stake   FM 20190513  DOC FIELDS
sewr_bnd   Sewers - Pima County RWRD Service Area   VW 20180201  DOC FIELDS
sewr_trt   Sewers - Treatment Facilities   MP 20091118  DOC FIELDS
shalowgw   Shallow Groundwater Areas   EG 20130410  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshah   Shrubland (Annual Herbaceous)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshbg   Shrubland (Bare Ground)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshbs   Shrubland (Big Sagebrush)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshhe   Shrubland (Herbaceous)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshli   Shrubland (Litter)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshs2   Shrubland (Sagebrush Height)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshs1   Shrubland (Sagebrush)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshs4   Shrubland (Shrub Height)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
nlcdshs3   Shrubland (Shrub)-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20190812  DOC FIELDS
silica   Silica Deposits for eastern Pima County   JR 20011006  DOC FIELDS
sfr   Single Family Residential Land Use   JR 20061206  DOC FIELDS
snf_ccrc   Skilled Nursing Facilities/Continuing Care Retirement Communities   CJ 20070706  DOC FIELDS
slopes   Slopes   SW 1991  DOC FIELDS
slopes15   Slopes15   SW 20140515  DOC FIELDS
soils668   Soil Survey 668 - Tucson-Avra Valley   RB 20041126  DOC FIELDS
soils669   Soil Survey 669 - Pima County, Eastern Part   RB 20041126  DOC FIELDS
graj   Soils - BLM: Ajo & Why   JR 19990831  DOC FIELDS
soilsgen   Soils - General   SW 1991  DOC FIELDS
ds_soils   Soils - Soil Conservation Services   SW 20000619  DOC FIELDS
soilston   Soils in the Tohono O'Odham Nation   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
pc_solar   Solar Energy Sites Operated by Pima County   ML 20170626  DOC FIELDS
solar_t1   Solar Lands Suitable for Development - Tier 1   ML 20120330  DOC FIELDS
solar_t2   Solar Lands Suitable for Development - Tier 2   ML 20170531  DOC FIELDS
solartaa   Solar Lands Suitable for Development - Tucson Airport Authority   JR 20120330  DOC FIELDS
opsol06c   Soldier Trail Wash 2006 Orthophotos   JL 2007  DOC FIELDS
sonvalpl   Sonoita Valley Acquisition Planning District   JR 20001002  DOC FIELDS
m_sonsuc   Sonora sucker Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
sdcp_bnd   Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan - Planning Subareas   JR 1999  DOC FIELDS
conceptr   Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan Conceptual Reserve   JR 20050204  DOC FIELDS
sdcpcons   Sonoran Desert Conservation Sites   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
sripscrb   Sonoran Riparian Scrub Special Element   JR 20000328  DOC FIELDS
p_sonsuc   Sonoran sucker Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
sw_bnd   Southwest Infrastructure Plan Boundary   LC 20070312  DOC FIELDS
sw_area   Southwest Study Area Boundary   JR 20060522  DOC FIELDS
dch_swwf   Southwest Willow Flycatcher Designated Critical Habitat   ML 20130115  DOC FIELDS
m_flycat   Southwestern willow flycatcher Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_flycat   Southwestern willow flycatcher Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
fp_lxsec   Special Studies Floodplain Cross-sections   KM 20120109  DOC FIELDS
fp_ss   Special Studies Floodplain Delineations   KM 20080828  DOC FIELDS
stspeed   Speed Limits   CJ 01012023  DOC FIELDS
springs   Springs - Pima County   JR 20120612  DOC FIELDS
springsb   Springs with 300 Foot Buffer Special Element   JR 20080514  DOC FIELDS
highways   State and Interstate Highways   ML 20130503  DOC FIELDS
slmlands   Stewardship Lands Management   SW 20190820  DOC FIELDS
slm_proj   Stewardship Lands Management Projects   PJ 20200221  DOC FIELDS
slm_actv   Stewardship Lands Management Projects Activities   EW 20200221  DOC FIELDS
stdrainl   Storm Drains   WD 20230825  DOC FIELDS
stdrainp   Storm Drains   WD 20230825  DOC FIELDS
dot_resp   Storm Response Areas - Pima County DOT   CP 20200211  DOC FIELDS
sw_monit   Stormwater Monitoring Site Watersheds   KM 20190729  DOC FIELDS
outfall   Stormwater Outfalls   KM 20130812  DOC FIELDS
iefflunt   Streams with intermittent flow from effluent discharge   JR 20011101  DOC FIELDS
pefflunt   Streams with perennial flow from effluent discharge   JR 20010305  DOC FIELDS
stinters   Street Intersections   JM 20100401  DOC FIELDS
stlanedv   Street Lane Dividers   RB 20100224  DOC FIELDS
stlanes   Street Lanes   CJ 20230802  DOC FIELDS
stted   Street Maintenance - Traffic Engineering Division Streets   LJ 20160105  DOC FIELDS
stnetall   Street Network   CJ Daily  DOC FIELDS
stcl_maj   Street Network - Major   CJ 20100224  DOC FIELDS
stclref   Street Network - Regional reference   CC 2008  DOC FIELDS
stroute   Street Route   CJ 20100322  DOC FIELDS
stswpint   Street Sweeping Intersections   AO 20201104  DOC FIELDS
stswprte   Street Sweeping Route Segments   AO 20201104  DOC FIELDS
ststiger   Streets - Enhanced TIGER files   SW 1995  DOC FIELDS
azstreet   Streets of Arizona   JR 20080715  DOC FIELDS
stress90   Stress Index 1990   JR 1998  DOC FIELDS
stress00   Stress Index 2000   JR 20020929  DOC FIELDS
stress10   Stress Index 2009-13   EG 20180329  DOC FIELDS
sub_impr   Subarea Roadway Plan Improvements   SW 1999  DOC FIELDS
subdiv   Subdivisions   Al 20240724  DOC FIELDS
subdiv92   Subdivisions - 1992   SW 1996  DOC FIELDS
subdiv97   Subdivisions - 1997   SW 1997  DOC FIELDS
subdiv98   Subdivisions - 1998   SW 1998  DOC FIELDS
pasubsrf   Subsurface parcels   GS 20201216  DOC FIELDS
tuc_surf   Summer Land Surface Temperatures in Metropolitan Tucson   ML 20210428  DOC FIELDS
busstops   Sun Tran bus stop locations   SW 20120620  DOC FIELDS
superfnd   Superfund Sites   JR 2001  DOC FIELDS
surwat   Surface Water   MP 19991013  DOC FIELDS
actv_non   Surface water - Non Reviewed   MP 20000210  DOC FIELDS
actv_rev   Surface water - Reviewed   MP 20000210  DOC FIELDS
m_swhawk   Swainson's hawk Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_swhawk   Swainson's hawk Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
sweetbuf   Sweetwater Wash 300 ft. Buffer   MP 20110510  DOC FIELDS
swregapx   SWReGAP 'Provisional' Southwest Regional Landcover - aggregated categories   ML 20080128  DOC FIELDS
swregap   SWReGAP 'Provisional' Southwest Regional Landcover - grid   RB 20041025  DOC FIELDS
swregapl   SWReGAP 'Provisional' Southwest Regional Landcover - MapGuide Legend   ML 20080128  DOC FIELDS
swregapp   SWReGAP 'Provisional' Southwest Regional Landcover - polygons   RB 20050525  DOC FIELDS
taluscol   Talus and Colluvium (QTc) Special Element   CJ 20070321  DOC FIELDS
talus40d   Talus Slopes (All Slopes > 40 Degrees on Bedrock)   ML 20151201  DOC FIELDS
tama   TAMA (Tucson Active Management Area)   JR 1992  DOC FIELDS
parcpima   Taxcoded Pima County Owned Parcels   SW 20240605  DOC FIELDS
parvacpc   Taxcoded Pima County Owned Vacant Parcels   SW 20190718  DOC FIELDS
cotpvmor   TDOT_PV_MORATORIUM   WD 20231011  DOC FIELDS
buf4cnty   Ten Mile Buffer   JR 20061206  DOC FIELDS
pima_buf   Ten-mile buffer around Pima County   JR 20070109  DOC FIELDS
tentplat   Tentative Plat Plans   LC 20150710  DOC FIELDS
lupcompl   The Loop Complaints   KM 20140218  DOC FIELDS
loopparc   The Loop Parcel Ownership   KM 20141209  DOC FIELDS
tnc_site   The Nature Conservancy Landscape Conservation Sites   JR 20000801  DOC FIELDS
msl_site   Titan II Missile Sites - Deactivated   CJ 20070317  DOC FIELDS
tondists   Tohono O'odham Nation Districts   EG 20170727  DOC FIELDS
topo   Topography - USGS   JR 1997  DOC FIELDS
fcd_topo   Topography 2015 - RFCD Generated   KM 20151201  DOC FIELDS
geo_tort   Tortolita Mountains Geology   SW 2000  DOC FIELDS
sah_dpha   Town of Sahuarita's Affordable Housing Down Payment Assistance Program   CP 20081217  DOC FIELDS
signzone   Traffic Sign Maintenance Zones - Pima County DOT   GS 20160801  DOC FIELDS
tsignals   Traffic Signals locations throughout the greater Tucson valley   SW 0000  DOC FIELDS
traf_fla   Traffic Warning Flashers   SW 1997  DOC FIELDS
trail11p   Trail Points - Pima County 2011 Master Plan   KJ 20120606  DOC FIELDS
trailhds   Trailheads and Trail Access Points   RB 20130821  DOC FIELDS
trails   Trails   AJ 20240507  DOC FIELDS
trail89   Trails - Pima County 1989 Master Plan   KJ 20060926  DOC FIELDS
trail11   Trails - Pima County 2011 Master Plan   KJ 20120606  DOC FIELDS
tdrs   Transfer of Development Rights   JR 20161216  DOC FIELDS
nlcdtrch   Tree Canopy Change-NLCD 2011 to 2016 (Raster)   EG 20191105  DOC FIELDS
nlcd11tr   Tree Canopy-NLCD 2011 (Raster)   EG 20170628  DOC FIELDS
nlcd16tr   Tree Canopy-NLCD 2016 (Raster)   EG 20191105  DOC FIELDS
treo   TREO Economic Development Opportunities Locations   RB 20150520  DOC FIELDS
trdn   Tres Rios Del Norte Project Area   RB 20050526  DOC FIELDS
em_index   T-R-S index of Elevation Model data.   SW 20031008  DOC FIELDS
cn_index   T-R-S index of PAG topographic contour data in "cn_" layers   SW 20031008  DOC FIELDS
tarmlsbd   Tucson Association of Realtors MLS Areas   RB 20070327  DOC FIELDS
birdsite   Tucson Audubon Society Birding Hotspots   KM 20161102  DOC FIELDS
cip_tdot   Tucson Department of Transportation Capital Improvement Projects   JL Daily  DOC FIELDS
tdotpipn   Tucson DOT Paving Improvement Plan Numbers   JD 20140910  DOC FIELDS
tdotpn   Tucson DOT plan number annotation features for all plans.   JA 20170308  DOC FIELDS
emp_zone   Tucson Empowerment Zone   MP 20090803  DOC FIELDS
modstcar   Tucson Modern Streetcar Route   SW 20231023  DOC FIELDS
tmwa   Tucson Mountains Wildlife Area   ML 20191001  DOC FIELDS
ent_zone   Tucson Pima Enterprise Zone   CP 20081205  DOC FIELDS
tpd_fac   Tucson Police Department Facilities   KJ 20090729  DOC FIELDS
tpd_sect   Tucson Police Department Patrol Sectors   FM 20181119  DOC FIELDS
ftzones   Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities Foreign Trade Zone Qualifying Areas   AJ 20120531  DOC FIELDS
m_tsnake   Tucson shovelnose snake Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
tsnake_m   Tucson shovelnose snake Habitat Model - Marana   CJ 20070613  DOC FIELDS
p_tsnake   Tucson shovelnose snake Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
water_tw   Tucson Water Obligated Service Areas   SW 20110113  DOC FIELDS
tyfsf   Tucson Youth Football and Spirit Federation   RB 20160628  DOC FIELDS
m_gberry   Tumamoc Globeberry Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
stnoturn   Turn Restrictions   RB 20100301  DOC FIELDS
type2   Type 2 Groundwater Rights Owned by Pima County   ML 20151117  DOC FIELDS
fp_unin   Unincised Floodplain Special Element   FM 20020402  DOC FIELDS
opua01c   University of Arizona Area 2001 Multispec Orthophotos   JL 20040607  DOC FIELDS
unpvdgrd   Unpaved Road Grading Route Segments   AO 20201105  DOC FIELDS
unpvdstg   Unpaved Road Grading Route Staging Areas   AO 20201105  DOC FIELDS
urban_jb   Urban Boundary - Exclusion for Pygmy-Owl habitat   MP 20000425  DOC FIELDS
urbnlite   Urban Interface   JD 20030115  DOC FIELDS
urbnwild   Urban Interface - Wilds   JD 20030115  DOC FIELDS
ilf_bnd   USACE ILF Projects   KM 20140115  DOC FIELDS
crops_13   USDA 2013 Croplands   ML 20150115  DOC FIELDS
opdoq07c   USDA/FSA NAIP 2007 Natural Color Imagery   SW 2008  DOC FIELDS
opdoq10c   USDA/FSA NAIP 2010 Natural Color Imagery   SW 2010  DOC FIELDS
opdoq13c   USDA/FSA NAIP 2013 Natural Color Imagery   SW 2014  DOC FIELDS
opdoq15c   USDA/FSA NAIP 2015 Color Imagery   SW 2015  DOC FIELDS
opdoq17c   USDA/FSA NAIP 2017 Color Imagery   SW 2017  DOC FIELDS
cc_vuln   USFS Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment   ML 20200121  DOC FIELDS
fs_invsv   USFS Invasive Plants   ML 20202201  DOC FIELDS
opdoq05c   USGS (MDA) Arizona 2005-2006 Natural Color Imagery   JL 2007  DOC FIELDS
pima_rch   USGS Ground-Water Recharge Model   ML 20130118  DOC FIELDS
cn10mned   USGS NED 10-Meter Contours   EG 20170725  DOC FIELDS
pima_run   USGS Precipitation Runoff Model   ML 20130118  DOC FIELDS
pad_usgs   USGS Protected Areas Database--Arizona   EG 20161117  DOC FIELDS
indoq07c   USGS-USDA 2007 DOQQ Imagery - TIFF Photo Index   SW 20080519  DOC FIELDS
indoq10c   USGS-USDA 2010 DOQQ Imagery - TIFF Photo Index   SW 20110105  DOC FIELDS
indoq13c   USGS-USDA 2013 DOQQ Imagery - TIFF Photo Index   SW 20150129  DOC FIELDS
indoq15c   USGS-USDA 2015 DOQQ Imagery - TIFF Photo Index   SW 20171012  DOC FIELDS
indoq17c   USGS-USDA 2017 DOQQ Imagery - TIFF Photo Index   SW 20171012  DOC FIELDS
sc_flow   Usually Flowing Santa Cruz River   ML 20170330  DOC FIELDS
vacant   Vacant Land use   JR 20061206  DOC FIELDS
veg_covr   Vegetation   JR 1995  DOC FIELDS
veg_base   Vegetation - Base   MP 20000131  DOC FIELDS
veg_ccnp   Vegetation - Cienega Creek Natural Preserve   MP 20000908  DOC FIELDS
veg_comp   Vegetation - Composite   RB 20051201  DOC FIELDS
vegcompm   Vegetation - Composite - Marana   CJ 20070619  DOC FIELDS
veg_ser   Vegetation - Composite, Series Level   MP 20000320  DOC FIELDS
veg_eros   Vegetation - EROS   MP 19991221  DOC FIELDS
veg_gf   Vegetation - Game and Fish   MP 1993  DOC FIELDS
veg_gap   Vegetation - GAP   MP 20000127  DOC FIELDS
gap_sanp   Vegetation - GAP - San Pedro Area   MP 20000307  DOC FIELDS
gap_eros   Vegetation - GAP/EROS   MP 20000127  DOC FIELDS
veg_nat   Vegetation - Natural Biotic Communities   JR 1993  DOC FIELDS
veg_op   Vegetation - Organ Pipe National Monument   MP 19991105  DOC FIELDS
snp_sout   Vegetation - Saguaro National Park South   MP 20000329  DOC FIELDS
snp_west   Vegetation - Saguaro National Park West   MP 20000329  DOC FIELDS
veg_whip   Vegetation - WHIP   MP 20000406  DOC FIELDS
hydroveg   Vegetation Map for PC-Hydro Modeling   KM 20090916  DOC FIELDS
ward_cot   Wards - City of Tucson   SW 20230215  DOC FIELDS
washes   Wash Network   KRM 20091008  DOC FIELDS
washmajl   Wash Network - Major (linear)   CJ 20120614  DOC FIELDS
mwwbuff   Wastewater availability in Marana Waste Water's service area.   SW 20170315  DOC FIELDS
wwmeters   Wastewater Management Flow Meters   JD 20190503  DOC FIELDS
wat_acct   Water Accounting Areas   EG 20170525  DOC FIELDS
mw_avail   Water availability and fire flow in Marana Water's service area.   SW 20170315  DOC FIELDS
tw_avail   Water Availability in Tucson Water's Obligated Service Area   FM 20170314  DOC FIELDS
wamtr_pc   Water Meters-Potential   MP 20011217  DOC FIELDS
watercos   Water Provider Service Areas Except Tucson Water   AJ 20220706  DOC FIELDS
watersys   Water systems in Eastern Pima County   JR 20051130  DOC FIELDS
wateruse   Water Users Near Perennial/Intermittent Streams/Shallow Ground Water   MP 200011  DOC FIELDS
basin_az   Watershed Basins - Arizona   MP 19991227  DOC FIELDS
basin_pc   Watershed Basins - Pima County   MP 19991227  DOC FIELDS
basinepc   Watersheds of Eastern Pima County   JR 20050722  DOC FIELDS
gwsi80   Wells - Surveyed - Depth to Water Less Than 50 Feet Built 1980-1984   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
gwsi85   Wells - Surveyed - Depth to Water Less Than 50 Feet Built 1985-1989   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
gwsi90   Wells - Surveyed - Depth to Water Less Than 50 Feet Built After 1990   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
welreg80   Wells - User Defined - Depth to Water Less Than 50 Feet Built 1980-1984   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
welreg85   Wells - User Defined - Depth to Water Less Than 50 Feet Built 1985-1989   JR 2000  DOC FIELDS
m_burowl   Western burrowing owl Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
bowlog_m   Western burrowing owl Habitat Model - Marana   CJ 20070612  DOC FIELDS
p_burowl   Western burrowing owl Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
m_redbat   Western red bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_redbat   Western red bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
m_yelbat   Western yellow bat Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_yelbat   Western yellow bat Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
m_cuckoo   Western yellow-billed cuckoo Habitat Model   JR 200304  DOC FIELDS
p_cuckoo   Western yellow-billed cuckoo Priority Conservation Areas   JR 200111  DOC FIELDS
wildness   Wilderness Areas - Federally Designated   FM 199910  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2000   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2000 for Arizona   SW 20171012  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2001   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2001 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2002   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2002 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2003   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2003 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2004   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2004 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2005   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2005 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2006   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2006 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2007   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2007 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2008   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2008 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2009   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2009 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2010   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2010 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2011   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2011 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2012   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2012 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2013   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2013 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2014   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2014 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfsa2014   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2014 for SE Arizona   FM 20150301  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2015   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2015 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
wfaz2016   Wildfire Burn Perimeters 2016 for Arizona   SW 20171013  DOC FIELDS
link_rta   Wildlife Connectivity Assessment: Detailed Linkages (AGFD/Cnties 2012-2013)   EG 20141205  DOC FIELDS
wldcor15   Wildlife Corridors 2015   ML 20141102  DOC FIELDS
wldcor22   Wildlife Corridors 2022   ML 20221024  DOC FIELDS
wildcorr   Wildlife Corridors and Habitat Linkages - CAC   EV 20070222  DOC FIELDS
wildcros   Wildlife Crossings   MP 20050819  DOC FIELDS
i11_pgo   Working draft contains 2000 foot wide PGO Intermountain West Corridor Alts   CP 20190520  DOC FIELDS
yumahydr   Yuma County Hydrography   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
yumaland   Yuma County Land Ownership   RB 20040609  DOC FIELDS
yuma_trs   Yuma County PLSS (TRS)   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
yuma_sts   Yuma County Streets   SW 1988  DOC FIELDS
zip   ZIP Codes - Polygons   SW 20240125  DOC FIELDS
zone_all   Zoning - All Jurisdictions   SW 20220829  DOC FIELDS
zonestuc   Zoning - City of South Tucson   SW 20200113  DOC FIELDS
zone_cot   Zoning - City of Tucson   SW Daily  DOC FIELDS
zonecnty   Zoning - Pima County   JA 20170824  DOC FIELDS
zone_mar   Zoning - Town of Marana   SW 20160602  DOC FIELDS
zone_ov   Zoning - Town of Oro Valley   SW 20160616  DOC FIELDS
zone_sah   Zoning - Town of Sahuarita   AJ 20190304  DOC FIELDS
zref_pt   Zoning Conditions and Restrictions Reference Points   LC 20150210  DOC FIELDS